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The psychotherapist is not only not God, but is not even a distant relative of him. Rimantas Kociunas There are many illusions in psychotherapy, and not only clients, but also psychotherapists themselves are susceptible to them. Illusions, as we know, alienate us from ourselves, from the world and from other people. In the work of a psychotherapist, as we understand, a distorted view of reality and oneself makes our work ineffective and harmful to the client. This danger forces us to talk honestly about ourselves. So, the first illusion is that we think that psychotherapy plays a large and important role in the life of society and the health of the nation. And we are flattered if an incoming client begins the first meeting with the words: “Every person in the West has his own psychologist. And I decided...” At the same time, if we honestly look around, we will notice that many, many specialists want to help a person other beliefs. And the majority of bipeds and seekers prefer astrologers, fortune tellers, feng shui consultants, yoga, spiritual practices, sports, art, music, dance, drama, baths... you name it. And in the modern computerized world, new offers have appeared - social networks, online games, tinders... And therefore, having a critical look at ourselves, we will understand that we, psychologists, are not as important to society as we would like. Another curious illusion is this the fact that the client who comes to us has consciously and responsibly chosen us, trusts our professionalism, and is ready to cooperate honestly and openly with us. In reality, the client has his own illusions about the process of psychotherapy, the psychologist in general and those sitting in front of him in particular. Moreover, a client often reads from one psychologist what psychotherapy is and what a psychologist does, but goes to another. It may seem to the client that all psychology has one common root and image. And psychologists, accordingly... differ from each other only in the amount of knowledge, that is, in the level of qualifications. This is where, for example, clients appear who have read from one psychologist what to do if they don’t like their partner, but come to me and expect the same tough recommendations... and if they don’t get them, they think that I’m not qualified enough. Yes, yes, here it’s worth mentioning another illusion of the client: the client thinks that he knows his problem, and the psychologist knows the solution if he’s good. It’s necessary It should be noted that, despite the fact that there is a lot of dubious literature and blogs about psychology, nevertheless, they play at least one positive role - they show that problems have solutions, that it is worth taking care of yourself, that there is There is at least one person in the world who is able to understand a person and accept him without criticism and condemnation. And this is definitely not an illusion... but this is not always a psychologist. There will definitely be continued reflections on illusions! Please share your thoughts on this topic. (c) Learning from a psychologist is cheaper than learning from life! Call: mobile: 8 913 85 661 85. whatsapp: +7 913 823 4608. website: http: psychologistonline.com/