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A person who does not accept himself as he is is often afraid to show his real self, and specifically some of his character traits. He rejects these traits himself and thinks that others will also reject them, and therefore him. To prevent this from happening, he puts on a mask that hides his shortcomings. Then the following happens. Under the mask, he meets people and communicates. Everything seems to be fine. But in reality this is not all. Firstly, people feel false, and secondly, he spends a huge amount of energy maintaining this mask. Sooner or later his strength runs out, stress happens, or unforeseen circumstances happen and the mask falls off his face. People see his real face and the relationship deteriorates or fades away. This happens especially often in love relationships. To please another, a person puts on a wide variety of masks. And the game begins. Between such "princes" and "princesses". But time passes and castles crumble. Real faces are revealed. At this moment, a serious conflict or breakup occurs. Most often, maxis are worn automatically. This is a way of adapting to the world. As I said at the beginning: a person is afraid that he will not be accepted, so he puts on masks. On the plus side, he adapts to the world. The downside is that it takes a lot of effort to maintain the masks; sooner or later the mask will fall off. Accordingly, in order to shed masks, a person needs to accept himself, accept his nature. Stop evaluating yourself and allow yourself to be who you are with all your inherent qualities. That's when masks are no longer needed. They don't make sense anymore. A person accepts himself, he is sincere and shows himself to the world as he is. The energy that went into maintaining the masks goes towards improving yourself and working on your growth. People see a real person and accordingly understand that there will be no “surprises”. It’s a paradox, but they are more disposed towards this person, whatever he may be, than towards the one who wears the mask. If you accept yourself, you can accept others too. Let them be who they are. To be loved, to show up in different ways. At this moment, people take off their masks and begin to open up like a flower at dawn. After all, there is nothing to be afraid of, there will be no punishment or condemnation. There is total acceptance. There is no point in hiding yourself anymore. Therefore, you need to start by accepting yourself. After all, when you begin to fully accept yourself, you will begin to accept others. At this moment the world will become completely different! Brighter, happier and kinder!