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To live or to survive? How to understand whether I am living or surviving? To answer this question, I propose to get acquainted with such concepts as states of survival and abundance. These are the states in which we live. And periodically we move from one to another or remain in one of them. Even if you are hearing about them for the first time and do not know about their existence, you are in one of them right now. The first state is survival, which is most often formed in childhood because from there a lot of resentment and misunderstanding accumulate, “adults are big, I’m small,” and in this “world of adults” you have to somehow survive, adapt to it. This is when you constantly have to resist something, prove something, you constantly have to something to cope with. You expect external failures, external aggression from external problems. Survival - when you need to snatch at least a little, somewhere to get something for yourself, you count on the very minimum in order to simply survive, save your life. It seems to you that there is little support, understanding in life, in general, “it won’t be enough.” By counting on the minimum, you are counting only on yourself. “I have no one to count on” “Everyone is against me” “Parents do not support, my husband does not support” “The boss is against” Essentially, survival is subjective loneliness. There are 2 main signs by which the state of survival can be distinguished: A feeling of limited resources. Little strength, little love, relationships, money, attention, time, dresses, support. Everything is not enough. The presence of negative emotions in the overwhelming majority. When you want to stay away from a person. He grumbles, is dissatisfied, groans, complains, gets irritated. Next to such a person, we become “infected”; we begin to grumble, get upset, and get scared. Think he's right. Another state is Abundance. This is a state when we live from the state of “I have enough”, “everything is enough”, “there is a lot of everything”. Enough does not mean that I don’t need anything, but this is a state that what I have is already enough for me at the moment, I already have a lot of things and I can desire and achieve more. Focus attention on what I already have. We notice that there is a lot of support around, a lot of love, warmth, money, clothes. These are both material and non-material things. There are many questions that exist in life, but there are also many solutions and many helpers .The feeling of team, unity, the feeling that the whole world supports you. 2 main criteria by which we can track that we are in a state of abundance. When we understand that our resources are unlimited. We have resources that we have not yet discovered, but we can discover and use in our lives. They are available all the time. New ideas, new actions. In a state of abundance, we see resources in different areas, both in human relationships and in material terms. By uniting we can create much more. Rather than being in survival, we quietly “perish” with ourselves, disconnecting, shrinking, our life sliding downhill. Positive emotions prevail. These are feelings that encourage us, support us, feelings of confidence in the future. Understanding where you are going and realizing what is important and necessary for you at the moment. The important thing is that, in a state of abundance, we remember that resources are endless. Even if something difficult happens. There will be something else later. There will be another solution. We can create a new solution. Even if it does not exist now, there are all the resources for this. Despite the fact that both of these states are natural and normal, they lead a person to different results in life. The state of survival is a strategy of losing, stopping, inaction, freezing - I don’t have it will work out, it’s not real, it’s impossible, in this state they are looking for reasons not to do or act. In other words, this is the state of a small helpless or fearful child. And the state of abundance is a strategy for winning, achievements, a winner. In this state, a person looks at WHAT else can I do, HOW else can I act in this situation. This is a strategy for finding solutions. This is the state of an adult.