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In our lives, we often encounter such a substitution of concepts when we turn means/tools into goals of our life. This phenomenon is called the law of displacement: what should be a means has become a goal. As a result of this, we often see a person’s dissatisfaction with his own life, which often begins to be compared to running in circles. In the matter of weight loss, the law of displacement is especially relevant. This happens because people see the very fact of weight loss as the main goal of their existence at the moment (this moment can last for many, many years). As a result, the process of losing weight becomes very protracted, since a person does not realize why he REALLY needs to lose weight. But let’s look in more detail at how this desire could arise. Of course, everything comes from childhood, when we were either unconditionally loved and accepted, or were given love for “good behavior.” In the second case, a person develops a feeling of inferiority. And he can become complete in his own eyes only by using means as ends. An example of the law of displacement: “I lose 35 kg - that means I’m worth something, that means I can do something, I can respect myself for it.” In fact In fact, the goal may sound like this: “I want to be happy. I want to enjoy playing sports, going shopping, communicating with other people, with the opposite sex. The means to achieve this will be to reduce your weight to a comfortable level.” How can one discover those very goals for which one can “move mountains” and lose extra pounds? First, understand how you feel about this life. There are three stages of attitude towards life: Activity without being. At this stage, a person mechanically gets up in the morning, goes to work, automatically performs his duties, goes home on time, does household chores, and goes to bed. Being in activity. At this stage, a person “lives” by his work, feels the meaning of his existence precisely in what he does at work. Being. At this stage, the main goal of life becomes life itself and getting pleasure from it. Unfortunately, most people find themselves stuck in the first stage. In this regard, they often feel life as the same “running in circles”, without a glimmer of happiness. What to do? Turn on awareness. Ask yourself - what am I doing and why? Remember how long one day lasted in childhood. For ages! One day was perceived as a small life. Over time, a person loses this ability to perceive every day as an opportunity to learn something new, to live differently. The German philosopher Martin Heidegger identifies two states in this world: 1) Oblivion of being. This condition is inherent in many people who live in constant activity, almost never stopping for a moment. 2) Awareness of being. This state is just inherent in children and happy people. It is characterized by a non-judgmental attitude towards the world, when every moment of time is filled with taste and meaning. When a person is not aware of himself in this world, constantly runs from work to home, from home to work, he feels the emptiness of his life and begins to look for ways to “escape” from this reality , which does not give him joy and satisfaction. If one thing in a person’s life begins to overshadow all other areas of life, this is an escape from reality. Socially acceptable and often approved types of escape from reality: Money Status Power Work The above things are excellent means of achieving main life goals. But if they become an end in themselves, it is a departure from the world, an attempt to hide from life. However, more often people choose not entirely acceptable methods as a way to hide from reality. Here, as you understand, we are talking about numerous DEPENDENCIES: Overeating and excess weight. A great way to escape reality. Increased food intake and excess weight have many secondary benefits that make it possible to turn a blind eye to.