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From the author: In this article, the author discusses intuition and offers a tool for identifying those situations in the life of every person when you can and should rely on your intuition. Intuition is the most powerful way of understanding the world, much more effective than reason. Walter Isaacson My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened. Michel Montaigne. The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, defined intuition as one of the main psychological functions that transmits information to a person through the unconscious. *Modern neuropsychologists have practically not changed their opinion on this matter. For example, doctor of neurobiology Jack Lewis defines a premonition (or intuition) as the result of the persistent behind-the-scenes work of your constantly active brain. But in order for this active work of our brain to be carried out, it needs to experience and analyze the experience of a similar situation in the past. That is: the more often we encounter a situation, the more accurately our intuition will tell us what to do. It turns out that consciously we do not remember such situations, but the unconscious has retained past experiences in memory. There is a way to check your intuition in order to understand in which cases it is worth relying on it, and in which it is not yet. This is keeping a “Diary of Intuition”, which will help you analyze in what situations the premonition turns out to be correct. That is, in this way we will understand in what cases we can safely trust our intuition. As can be seen from the table: the diary consists of four columns. In the first column we enter the situation itself, about which we have some premonition. In the second column we write what our intuition tells us. In the third column we mark whether we acted according to intuition (put a plus) or whether we acted in the opposite way as in the example and put a minus. In the last column we fill in the final result, where it is also useful to indicate whether our premonition was confirmed. In this example, the person did not act as his intuition suggested, and the result turned out to be negative. It can be assumed that next time he will act based on his intuition regarding the timing of the conversation with his boss. Perhaps this way it will become obvious to him that his intuition is correct here and he will listen to it in further conversations with his boss. When there are a lot of entries in the diary, they can be analyzed and a pattern can be discovered in order to further rely on intuition in specific situations. In fact, this will help to avoid “bad premonitions” that can torment us, but never come true. This, by the way, is one of the ways to cope with stress, including. Keeping this diary will help you make decisions based on facts, not doubts. * Jung Carl, Psychological Types, St. Petersburg “Juventa”; M., "Progress-Universe", 1995, p.. 526-528.