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What are anxiety and panic attacks made of? And what is their difference? Let's figure it out 😉Panic attack and anxiety have three main ingredients, but they differ from each other during anxiety and during a panic attack: - physical symptoms - thoughts - behavior 📌 The physical component includes symptoms such as: rapid heartbeat, blurred vision, a feeling of squeezing of the head, pain in the head and stomach, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, sweating, trembling, lump in the throat, frequent urination, fatigue, restlessness, body pain and much more. I can’t help but note that the symptoms can change from one panic attack to another That is, one time you may notice severe symptoms of pain in the head, while another time - a rapid and strong heartbeat 📌 Thoughts. During panic attacks, we are most likely to think about immediate physical disasters (for example, death, fainting, heart attack), social disasters (for example, “everyone will laugh at me”), or mental disasters (for example, loss of control). yourself and madness). And during anxiety, thoughts come to mind about something bad that could happen in the FUTURE, for example, about losing a job or the worst panic attack of all experienced 📌 Behavior is what we do. For example, pacing, fidgeting, running for safety, or avoiding places where anxiety and panic attacks are expected to occur. The above three components are different when you are anxious than when you are prone to panic. Physical symptoms during anxiety last a long time. and these include muscle tension, including body pain, restlessness and fatigue. However, the symptoms of a panic attack are more sudden and usually go away more quickly than the physical symptoms of anxiety. Thoughts during anxiety tend to be about the future (for example, “It will be a disaster if I get into an embarrassment at the party tomorrow”), whereas thoughts during an attack panic attacks usually refer to the immediate situation (for example: “I’m going to faint” or “I’m probably going crazy”) Behavior during a panic attack is an action to save. And increased anxiety is characterized by the fact that a person can simply shift from foot to foot, does not run anywhere, does not call anyone, or walks back and forth. This is the difference between a panic attack and severe anxiety!!! Many people confuse a panic attack with increased anxiety. This is a very important fact and therapy will differ.!