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Phototherapy, as a psychotherapeutic technique, works with one of the forms of visual art – photography. Photography is used by psychologists in their work to solve various psychological problems, as well as to harmonize and develop personality. Phototherapy as an art therapeutic method has long won the recognition of practical psychologists who use the psychology of creativity as a therapeutic “key” to solving human problems. The teacher-psychologist develops a long-term lesson plan, which is complemented by photo and art therapeutic elements, exercises, games, fairy tales, which allow creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional-sensory relationship of a child, adult, etc. to the surrounding world. This method provides for the spontaneity of photography and allows you to feel the freedom of choice of artistic material and technique. The psychologist interests the adult and child in unusual ways of working with photographs. This encourages the expression of creativity, makes it possible to feel self-confidence, and create a situation of success. Each lesson includes art therapeutic exercises, tasks, and techniques. The use of phototherapy technologies can become part of the work of a psychologist, speech pathologist, teacher to create a class or teaching team, to rehabilitate “outcast” children, to reorient teacher or parental behavior, etc. Thus, photography combines many forms of creative activity that can be used during classes in various options and combinations, providing a multifaceted healing, harmonizing and developmental effect on the participants. Phototherapy sessions can be conducted with children as young as 3-4 years old who have come to see a psychologist with a variety of psychological problems, such as neurotic conditions, fears, sleep disorders, isolation, anxiety, emotional-volitional disorders, and aggressive behavior. Both photographs and slides can be used in classes. Slide therapy is harmoniously included in the program of group psychocorrectional classes in children's and child-parent groups. Directly viewing the slide film takes 10-15 minutes. Each slide is exposed on the screen for 10-15 seconds and is accompanied by a melody. Very often, children ask to show the film again and freeze this or that frame; they want to approach the screen and carefully, from a close distance, take a good look at it, and then come up with and tell a fairy tale about the object that interests them. Phototherapy is associated with the use of photography to solve various psychological problems, as well as for the development and harmonization of personality. It is of particular interest to children and adolescents. Teenagers, through photography, actualize either positive or negative experiences with the goal of re-experiencing them. This becomes especially important in situations of teenage depression and suicidal tendencies. Focusing on photographs of a happy childhood, bright events in life, and loving people helps strengthen internal resources and provide an incentive for further development. All the adolescent’s sensory systems are activated, allowing adolescent sensory deprivation to be overcome. In the process of photographing and viewing finished photographs, the teenager develops new ideas. Thanks to the objectifying function of photography, a teenager realizes his belonging to national, social, religious, cultural and other groups, all that is the basis for self-identification. By examining (reflecting) photographs from a certain period of his life, a teenager, with the help of a psychologist, can conduct a retrospective analysis of this stage. Phototherapeutic technologies can be used in work as independent forms or included in correctional programs or trainings. The main condition is the presence of a camera and the desire of the children. The proposed forms of phototherapy are given to children and adolescents in the form ofhomework. If you don’t have a camera or can’t complete your homework, you can use ready-made photographs in each of the proposed exercises. These are photographs brought by children from the family archive; printed photos from the Internet. Which can be found in large quantities on any topic on pages with photo wallpapers; professional photographs cut out from magazines (including photography). “Slide therapy” technique. The lesson can be conducted in a parent-child group. Show slide films to children and their parents (this can be a video sequence with images of plants, animals and insects, accompanied by a musical composition). After watching the film, parents and children are invited to go to different rooms. Children can be asked to draw what they liked most when watching the slide movie. Parents should draw an object that they think their child might like. When children and parents finish the task. Connect subgroups. When comparing the drawings of parents and their children, it is revealed that parents mostly did not guess which objects their children liked. Then invite the children to come up with a fairy tale about the character in their drawing and explain to their parents why they chose this or that object. “Photo report” technique (Mobile photo report). Purpose of using the technique: Re-experiencing an event in order to react to it, obtain an emotionally positive resource, search new meanings, etc. Example topics: “First day of vacation”, “one day in my life”, “One day in the life of my class”, “Change at school”, “Hurray, disco!”, “Exams”, etc. Progress: the teenager is asked to take a series of photographs on a given topic. This should be a photo chronicle of the event specified by the topic. Printed photographs must be arranged on a piece of Whatman paper according to the chronology of the event. Each photo must have its own frame and name. Then the author presents his photo report. When working in a group, photo reports can be reviewed and discussed in micro groups. Since recently the number of mobile phones with a built-in camera has increased among teenagers, photo reporting can be mobile. This form of work will undoubtedly be interesting to a teenager. Technique “Metaphorical self-portrait” The purpose of working with the technique: actualization and expression of feelings associated with self-attitude, research and strengthening of the self-concept. Progress of work: teenagers are asked to take a series of photographs, based on the principle of an association game. If I were a plant (an animal, book, thing, building, product, etc.) then I would be..... Then on a sheet of Whatman paper. In the center, the teenager places his real photograph. Around it he places associative photographs. During a group discussion, teenagers are divided into pairs, exchange metaphorical self-portraits and express their feelings. Another group option is when everyone places associative photographs in a circle. Without placing your photo in the center. The group’s task is to guess from associative photographs whose metaphorical self-portrait this is and then place his photograph in the center. “Gallery of My Images” technique. Goal: actualization and playing of latent roles, enrichment of dramatic experience, integration of self-images. Required materials: 1. elements suits; 2. masks; 3.art materials to create a costume; 4.make-up; 5. tape recorder; 6. audio recordings, etc. Progress of work: think about what role(s) I would like to play, what image I would like to create. Using a ready-made arsenal of costumes. Make-up, art materials and music transform into the desired image. Role playing: dance, spontaneous movements, facial expressions, dramatization, etc. In the case of individual work, photographs are taken by a psychologist or assistant. When working in groups, divide into pairs and create mutual photo sessions in role. There must be at least three photographs in the role. In the next lesson, when the pictures are printed, look at the photographs and discuss them in pairs or micro groups. Teenagers should definitely give each other feedback onlost role. Teenagers are happy to make photo albums on the topic “Roles that I play and would like to play.” Such work is very effective in the presence of problems of role confusion or role deprivation, the presence of a negative self-attitude. Examples of the use of photo-therapeutic techniques in the KSU “Special (correctional) boarding school No. 2 for children with developmental disabilities” Mobile photo reportage technique was used with children 5 classes, at the school-lyceum "Daryn" and at the KSU "Special (correctional) boarding school No. 2 for children with developmental disabilities" RK., North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk. During the spring holidays on March 19, I gave the children the task of making a mobile photo report on the topic “My first day of vacation.” On April 2, I came to the fifth-graders’ class to ask how they coped with the task. The result happened as expected. The children, interrupting each other, talked about their mobile photo reports that they made in Astana on an excursion. On the first day of the holidays, he and his class went on an excursion to Astana. It was very pleasant to hear words of gratitude from the class teacher of the 5th grade; she said that she did not even have to organize and control the behavior of the children during the excursion, the whole class was busy taking photographs, their mobile photo reports. During the train ride back home, they didn’t have time to fool around, because they were busy discussing their photographs and coming up with different names for their photographs. Fragment of a conversation with one of the 5th grade students, Oleg Garanin. Oleg made the most interesting report from the class. Psychologist. Oleg, how did you cope with the task? Did you encounter any difficulties? Was it interesting? Oleg. I completed the task with great pleasure, it was very interesting for me. Some difficulties arose when naming the photographs, because I wanted some original and non-repetitive names, and so that the work would be different from other students. Psychologist. You have created a very interesting mobile photo report. Looking at your photos, I involuntarily had a question. You were on an excursion in Astana. Have you visited a water park, an aquarium, various flower exhibitions, museums, trading houses, etc., but in your photos there are only buildings? Oleg. Yes, I noticed that too when I was compiling a mobile photo report at home. For some reason I wanted to photograph only buildings. They interested me with their grace, beauty, and design. I wasn’t even as interested in the aquarium as I was on the excursion around the city itself. I kept puzzling over how people can design, construct and build such houses. Psychologist. You were attracted by the interesting designs of buildings, houses, shopping centers, stadiums. It is very interesting. Tell me Oleg, what is your favorite activity at home in your free time. Oleg. I really like to design houses from paper, I have a construction set, and when I play with it, I also come up with various interesting buildings. I also like to play buildings, this is a computer game where you build buildings yourself, and then sell or rent them. Psychologist. Do you have any dreams? What do you dream about? Oleg. I used to dream of becoming an astronaut. But now I like to build and construct more. And I want to become an architect. Now I find information about architecture on the Internet and read it with pleasure. My parents also give me encyclopedias, where everything is told about the greatest buildings in the world. Psychologist. From your conversation, I understood that you liked making a mobile photo report. In the future, do you plan to compile more photo reports on other topics? Oleg. Yes I have ideas. But I don't want to deviate from my topic. I plan to create photo reports of buildings in various cities where I will visit in the future and compile an original album of my photo reports. Psychologist. Thank you Oleg for an interesting and informative conversation. I will be glad to see you as a great architect in the future. I think that your parents and teachers will be proud of you. Self-analysis of the work done using the mobile photo report technique. Technique.