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My dear reader, client, colleague and friend, I continue my “book for you” and I hope you will find it interesting and useful! the previous chapter is here https://www.b17.ru/article/398468/ Chapter 15 In the clutches of the false self Let us continue our journey, my reader, and in order to know our own, that is, our real self (true self), let’s take a look at that part of ourselves, which, like an iceberg, has grown over our true essence. We come into the world as a blank slate, but it has already been conceived by someone, but only the texts on it are written by life itself, or rather by those who accompany us through life at its different stages. And here it is, this is written, lying so tightly on the once virgin paper that neither the lines nor the spaces between the words are visible... And this text, written not by us, but by others, forms the Self that we very quickly begin to consider ours , and we wear it no longer noticing that the dress is too big on the side, the length is not enough... In general, the size is not ours, and the style looks like it came from someone else’s shoulder. During periods of such awareness, I would like to say to this tailor “Thank you BIG!”, but not with joy and with a feeling of dignity and deep gratitude, and from this inversion and crookedness, in which it is cramped, uncomfortable and unbearably tight, as if we had asked for boots in a store, but there was no size... and having taken what we had from the shelf, we resigned ourselves. That’s how we walk around in something that’s not ours. Not ours, which means something that doesn’t suit us! But after all the infusions and influences that we cling to in life, go and figure out what it is, what’s MINE, real !And to return to your cozy slippers, until you understand that of all possible shoes, they are the very thing, this is not an easy task, because the path to the true Self lies through numerous layers of false shells. And somewhere there in the very center this structure is I! Real, living, not façade and convenient, but here is the I that I am! Let me remind you, my reader, that the path is thorny because the one who initially embarks on it does not know what he is looking for, but is prompted by this real I, with his voice, the call of the soul, he goes to meet him. That is, to meet yourself. Meeting yourself after a loss is tantamount to meeting a once-lost dear friend! Joy cannot be described! When you suddenly find yourself in a state of swamp, have lost joy, lost meaning, know that this, although not an easy time at all (very difficult!), is the starting point from which the path towards the true Self begins. in order to find (realize yourself) you need to lose, and we lose everything - both our own, genuine, and the false that has been layered on top, all at once, as a whole set. Losing meaning is equal to losing ourselves. And it is the search for meaning that leads us to our real selves, to someone whom we may never have known, only felt somewhere inside... So, one day setting out on a journey, we search and create at the same time, create those ourselves that we dreamed of becoming. And if you are lucky, my reader, to find in yourself this point of light, a guiding star, the work of life, then this will be you. And the more you follow your star (your true essence / destiny in the best sense of the word), the more you will become yourself. Sounds it’s a little confusing, but by creating, by doing, we simultaneously make ourselves, otherwise, when you do what you love, what you breathe and burn with, not only you create, but this activity creates you! Thus, the closer you are to your activity, the closer and dearer it is to you, like air, not because you can’t breathe without it, but because you breathe with it and fill everything around you (deeds, places and people), the closer you are to your self. False is always forced , the real thing, even if it’s a burden, is not bondage, but responsibility - a burden that suits the soul. So people say that you need to live according to your Soul. And if the voice of the soul is not heard, then it’s not clear how to live, so you tumble a person is like a paper boat in the sea, until he hits a rock and it hurts - the Soul. Then he remembers himself, about the loss... And he will shed a lot of tears for the lost soul and in search of!