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From the author: Nowadays the most popular is online dating. And foreigners are very active here. In this article, I tried to give practical recommendations to our women regarding the advisability of marriages with foreign grooms. I was prompted to write this article by the requests of my clients - women of different ages, but in love with foreigners, and in the euphoric feeling of not thinking: “Why do I need him?”, “Is he suitable for the role of my husband?” Let's figure out what this kind of acquaintance can lead to, using fairy tale therapy, in particular the story of Little Red Riding Hood (similar fairy tale plots: “Masha and the Bear”, “Bluebeard”). The life of Little Riding Hood (and the heroines of similar fairy tales) can be represented in the form of 3 stages: 1. The girl’s growing up, the premonition of the meeting and the actual first meeting with the Wolf.2. Life with the Predator.3. Awareness of the wrongness of such a life, the search for ways of salvation and the result - victory over the beast. In fact, this girl has reached the age of her first love affair. Or maybe she’s already over 30, and all her relatives unanimously say: “It’s time...” And then He appears on the horizon (usually on the Internet) - a sweet-tongued handsome man. Emotional, with an extravagant, often southern appearance, who knows beautiful words - something that our guys usually don’t use when communicating. Cap's relatives warn the girl about trouble (or forbid the young couple to meet) - but she just shrugs it off, because “they don’t understand anything. He’s the best!” It doesn't matter that he's much older, it doesn't matter. that he is a foreigner and it is unknown whether he will stay in Russia or go home... She doesn’t think about her role in his life, WHO is she to him? Future wife or bed toy? Very often the role of the Wolf is played by visiting foreigners who work with us or university students. Indeed, in their, often Muslim, countries, the requirements for the virginity of the bride are very high, for which it is necessary to pay a good bride price. And with us, the “gifts” themselves “go into your hands.” And it’s not difficult to create a sense of perspective in a Russian woman by drawing a “beautiful life.” Further development of the plot: having played enough, he leaves or gets married and brings his wife to his country. For example, a Turk or a European will never stay in Russia; but an Egyptian or an Arab can stay, especially if he is from a poor family. And abroad, our girls very often lose their “rose-colored glasses,” because the peculiarities of the Predator (both Russian and foreign) are a strict requirement to follow the norms and rules invented by him, “adjusting” the naive girl “to suit himself.” Unconditional obedience, and for disobedience - severe punishment. This creates complete emotional and financial dependence, and even taking into account ignorance of the language and laws of a foreign country. And the bottom line of the fairy tale is this: one must go through hardships in order to “learn” this life lesson. To be reborn while suffering. Become fearless, “play for time”, save up finances. to be able to leave and become independent. Agree, the price for frivolity is too high. Recommendation: to understand who is in front of you - the Wolf or the Prince - try, before putting on “rose-colored glasses” and completely falling in love, to find out more about your chosen one: what family is he from? what is his income level? What are the national characteristics of relationships between men and women in his country? Here a fairy tale can also come to the rescue: for Arabs - stories from “1000 and 1 Nights”. Become Scheherazade (or better yet, Roxanne - show wisdom!). Even before the wedding, come up with challenges for him! Let your fairy tale become at least “Cinderella!” At my free webinar on July 4, I will tell viewers about other plots of “women’s” fairy tales and you will see - is it possible for a woman to LEARN to be happy? Come! Waiting for you! Registration is here: https://www.b17.ru/trainings/sudba/ Sincerely - Elena Olkhovich