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Crisis as a step towards a dream. Crisis times are a state of stress not only for the economy, but also for the psyche. But as you and I know, a state of stress can also be beneficial for a person. Of course, the first reaction to stress is fear, nervousness and, as a result, depression. But how chronic this condition will become depends on the person himself. First, I would like to remind you that our life is impossible without stress, even our birth is stress. Every unusual event in a person’s life is also stress, but what is more important is our reaction to it and what lessons we will learn from each specific event. Let’s see what we can do for ourselves now and how to use the crisis situation to our advantage. First of all, it is necessary to accept the crisis situation as it is, because the crisis has affected the entire population of the earth. Without accepting the situation, we get stuck in it and waste our strength and energy on a fight that gives nothing. But having accepted the situation, agreeing that it must be experienced and withstood, we have the strength to take specific actions that will help us cope with the situation and not break down. Of course, this evokes a lot of feelings, and this is already the area of ​​psychology and turning to a specialist will help avoid negative consequences. After all, this situation is given to us for a reason, so let’s figure out why. Perhaps it's time to change a job that somehow didn't suit you. Perhaps an urgent need has arisen to turn your attention to your family, your children, your health. It is in the family that a person receives psychological support and can overcome anything in life. Overcoming stress and obstacles, a person develops and becomes stronger. Let's look at the crisis situation from the other side. You have a chance to change your life! After all, everything that you were so afraid of for a long time or did not allow yourself, has now become possible, or even necessary. And not forget about the dream. A crisis is not the time to give up on your dreams. Quite the contrary, if you have been pushing your dream away or haven’t thought about it, now is the time to remember it and start taking the first steps towards its implementation. The best way to deal with the future is to invent it yourself! Is there anything in the world - There's nothing more exciting than trying to figure out what you want from life and then making your life exactly that way. Life gives a person only as many challenges as he can withstand. And having endured it, you become wiser, more experienced and spiritually richer. When you have a goal, your consciousness involuntarily tunes in to search for information and opportunities necessary for its implementation. Good luck to you! Author of the article: Shalnova Elena Vladimirovna