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Beliefs are a system of rules and relationships that have developed over the course of life in which we believe. They arise as overgeneralizations under the influence of the people around us, with a single or multiple repetition of an important, emotionally charged experience. Essentially, beliefs are the lens through which we view the world and ourselves. They are invisible, intangible, but at the same time omnipresent. The world with rose-colored glasses is pink, the world with green glasses is green. We have an attitude towards everything in the world, we form our own opinion about everything in the world. Our attitude towards what is happening can be valuable, productive, inspiring, or it can be demotivating and tiring. In fact, our level of energy and vitality, interest in the world around us or boredom, the number and strength of fears, relationships with ourselves and others, and time depend on our belief system. It is they, together with our values, that form our worldview and life scenarios and determine our entire lives. Beliefs may or may not be realized by a person. They participate in our lives regardless of this. It’s like in a computer, there is a basic information input/output system - Bios - a set of programs that the user never sees or sees logging into the system as an obscure line on the screen. These programs determine the operation of all computer systems and equipment. There is an operating system, for example Windows, with clear buttons, icons and commands, with which the user deals and through which he gives tasks to the computer. If we talk about a person, then the metaphor of walking comes to mind - we do not constantly think about how and where to put our foot, how We control the center of gravity, and we choose the direction and speed of movement; our body, our unconscious, and bodily habits deal with the details. “An interesting collection of misconceptions,” I sometimes jokingly say to a client, listening to his story about the reasons for failures, when a person’s life and business are not going well or he wants, but cannot, to do something new and pleasant. From my point of view, beliefs are one of the main focuses of attention when working with the inner world, on which almost everything depends. Just imagine what kind of relationship will develop with a woman who is convinced that she is unattractive and life is suffering? With a businessman who sincerely believes that during a crisis it is impossible to make money and everyone goes bankrupt? A student who believes that studying is not necessary to be successful in life? From the above examples, how much more productive can be the beliefs: I have a beautiful and attractive life, full of opportunities and joy! A crisis is new opportunities! If I study hard and work on myself, I will achieve everything I want! In adults, in favorable under conditions, beliefs change little, especially if you don’t think about them and don’t pay attention inward to the reasons for what is happening. Sometimes the black box of the mind, as Virginia Satir wrote, is really like a cauldron that one never looks into. In the initial stages of working with oneself, it is sometimes difficult to even notice one’s own negative and destructive beliefs. You need the skill of constant awareness of your own thoughts, states and actions. If you are full of optimism, then, as practice shows, the fact that you come up with and write down a phrase, and even repeat it throughout the day, will not change your life. It can be even more difficult. change your beliefs if you are confused, helpless and give up. An experienced psychologist or coach can help you work with beliefs. Will he help you understand the intricacies of internal settings and rules? understand what you like and where you want to go or run in life and in business. If we, using special techniques, transform the system of destructive delusions and automatic reactions into a harmonious, flexible, effective system of favorable ideas about ourselves and the world, we will change our perception of ourselves, our attitude to ourselves and with others, our business, worldview and life scenarios, our whole lives.