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Today I want to look at how our self-confidence is formed and whether it is possible to work with an already formed personality type. Like many personality traits, our self-perception comes from childhood. I propose to consider this from the point of view of the type of attachment. Based on childhood, adults develop four different forms of attachment: - Secure - Anxious - Avoidant-rejecting - Anxious-avoidant. Most often, these concepts are used in the context of romantic relationships between adults. But also the type of attachment can tell a lot about a person’s attitude towards himself. I want to dwell on this topic in more detail. More precisely, on an anxious type of attachment and the perception of themselves by people who have it. This type of attachment arises when parents do not provide the child with an emotionally stable background, when he does not know what to expect from them. Today they are happy and buy him ice cream, and tomorrow they scream and put him in a corner. Today they are nearby and spend a lot of time with the child, tomorrow they are away from home all day. This ambiguity gives rise to a situation in which first the child, and then the adult, needs constant confirmation that he is loved. He clings to people, to relationships, feels the slightest changes in them and tries with all his might to maintain them at the level he needs. Another distinctive feature of this type of attachment is low self-esteem and trampling on one’s own interests to please other people. In this way, a person tries to win and earn the love of others. Once an anxious type of attachment has formed, it is impossible to get rid of it anywhere; it will always be with the person. Another question is that you can learn to live and work with it. Then, from an anxious, jealous and distrustful lover, a person can turn into a sensitive, caring, faithful and reliable partner, perfect for a strong family life. The first step towards solving any problem is its recognition and acceptance. The next step is that it is important to place emphasis on one’s own internal supports, on what is specifically in a person, what constitutes the backbone of his personality. From this process will grow self-love, which will not allow you to fall into dependence on another person. After all, no one can leave a person who has found and loved himself completely alone. He will always have himself, which no one will take away from him. Acceptance, the search for one’s Self and one’s inner supports is a slow process and requires considerable effort. I am ready to help you find yourself and your happiness in life. Contact us, and together we will make your life the way you want it to be..