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Who easily obeys this perpetual motion machine of all our achievements? Laziness has overcome you again? Numerous researchers define this “engine” differently. Let's just say that motivation is an internal urge to action. We don't need to motivate ourselves to lie on the couch or eat a cake - it's easy, there's no need to strain. But the goal, the path to which involves effort, tension, and hardships, is impossible to achieve without an internal drive. How to launch it at the right time?1. “K” / “OT” Sometimes we are driven forward by a thirst for achievement, and sometimes by fear of consequences: “If I don’t do this now, my boss will grind me into dust!” Motivation partly depends on the context of our activity: work, leisure, entertainment, hobbies. Often at work, and especially at work that is not entirely loved, the prevailing motivation is to avoid “OT” (so as not to... be deprived of a bonus, punished, burdened with even more work, etc.) And on vacation, more often than not, “K” is to have fun, show off photos, chat, buy what you want thing. However, everyone has a usual motivation in life - “To” or “OT”. Some even go on vacation “to avoid work stress and to be away from their mother-in-law.” Neither achievement motivation nor avoidance motivation is good or bad in itself, since they both lead us forward towards our goals.2. CURIOSITY. If your state is sluggish in relation to the task - a kind of slight stupor, then the first thing you need to do is sow the seeds of interest in it. Start asking yourself questions that interest you, but don’t get hung up on the answers yet. For example, if it is not clear how to write a conclusion to a diploma or where to start looking for a new job. Let questions quickly and easily arise in your head: How many pages will the conclusion take? What conclusions should be put there? Which colleague has already written something like this? What vacancies are there in general on the market? What kind of work schedule would I like to have? Who among my friends could help me find a job? Who could give recommendations? Just let the questions arise - no answers yet! Feel the lightness in your body - this is anticipation, anticipation of information, a state of curiosity, interest in relation to the task.3. LET'S ADD MOTION. Movement is the rhythm of our emotions. Stupor is like slowness, but what is curiosity? Choose music that interests you - hear it within yourself. How it feels in your body. Do you feel the changes?4. WHAT BENCES US? Of course, we start this engine - our motivation - for a reason, but for the sake of something. We are ready to get up from the couch and go for a run in the rain - why? This is because something desirable is beckoning ahead. So keep a picture of future benefits in front of you. Imagine yourself brightly ahead in the future, having achieved your goal - with a beautiful figure, a coveted diploma, the job of your dreams. List to yourself all the benefits that you will gain there that you do not yet have here. Attention! You should not imagine at this moment, as some advise, that you have ALREADY achieved your goal. It relaxes, gives unreasonable euphoria, and we need motivation. A sort of carrot ahead. Well, do you want to go there?5. LET'S ADD THE TEMP. And now, when there is a bright goal and juicy benefits ahead, what melody sounds inside you? Add drive to your inner rhythm. Feel where your body is going. I bet you're already leaning forward a little, as if ready to rush into battle. This is firing on all cylinders your motivation engine!6. LOOKING FOR ANSWERS. Now you can look around the imaginary space of your task and note where you can find answers to the questions that concern you. The job seeker will remember that he has many acquaintances and will add many worthy facts about himself to his resume (he didn’t think of himself that way before). The person writing the thesis will find in his own work the necessary phrases for the conclusion. Now you are open, interested, mobile and ready to look for the necessary information and answers to your questions. And you are ready to act. So go ahead!