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HOW GROUP THERAPY HELPED IGOR GET RID OF A HEADACHE As a child, Igor wanted to become a musician, but somehow it didn’t work out. He graduated from school, went to college, got a job, got married. There is no time for music at all. You have to work. It takes an hour and fifteen minutes to get to work one way, and the same amount back. You get exhausted along the way, but somehow you try not to pay attention to this convenience. He is always tired. This causes a lot of dissatisfaction and irritability. But he doesn’t notice his fatigue. He falls asleep as soon as he gets into bed, but for some reason he ends up sleeping poorly and doesn’t get enough sleep. In life, everything seems to be the same as with people. But he’s just in a bad mood, and his head hurts. In general, his life is simple, he goes with the flow. The current brings all sorts of unpleasant surprises, so you have to endure a lot in your life. Only he doesn’t notice this either. The only thing he notices is a constant headache and back pain. He's already been to the doctors. Doctors said it was vegetative-vascular dystonia, but overall he was healthy. But the pain continued to torment. Somehow, out of the corner of his ear, he heard that vegetative-vascular dystonia is psychosomatic. They say that such a disease occurs for psychological reasons. And I decided to enroll in a therapeutic group, they were recruiting right next to my house. After two meetings, Igor’s mood became better, and the pain began to bother me less. What happened? It seems like he didn’t do anything like that in the group. I was just talking about bad sleep and headaches. And he realized that his pillow was uncomfortable, that he was spending too much time commuting to work... He changed his pillow and asked his boss to transfer him to an office closer to home. I began to sleep better, I had more energy and time for my family. He also noticed that there was little joy in life, and then he remembered that music used to make him happy, but for some reason he abandoned it in the name of work and family. After that, he took out a guitar, and joy came to his house again. Now he rests more, walks with his family. The whole family goes to the water park. At the group, Igor learned to notice his needs, and in general his life became comfortable. And somehow there’s no time for pain. In fact, in group therapy you can notice not only needs, but also many other things that will directly affect the quality of relationships and life. That’s how simple it works)) And we’ll tell you more in the next post.