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How to get rid of fear? Hello, dear readers. Let's talk about fear. The theme of fear, anxiety, fear is always relevant. There is no person on earth who has not experienced these feelings at least once. How to deal with these feelings on your own? How to help your loved ones? We will talk about the mechanisms by which the feeling of fear arises and how to get rid of it. Our conversation is not about the fear that arises in a situation of danger, but rather about the emotion that is associated with the ability of the human mind to predict and foresee its future. The basis of this fear is the predictive function of the mind, foresight, orientation. Anticipation of what should happen or is happening. For example, if you begin to anticipate some kind of negativity, suffering, loss, danger, then naturally you will experience this fear and anxiety. Thus, fear arises in a situation of uncertainty and when you begin to interpret this situation of uncertainty as a source of threat. When you begin to see the future as threatening and try to somehow prepare yourself for this threat, for these unpleasant events. A question for you, is it useful for you to think about the situation of the future and predict your own suffering? In my opinion, forecasting troubles will not help you make the right choice. The ability to predict will help you choose the right path, but without this negative feeling that we are talking about now. But the predictive mechanism of our mind itself can help us choose a course of events that will protect and ensure security in your life. There is a benefit to this. And if this forecasting mechanism is colored by doubts, memories of an unsuccessful traumatic experience, then you yourself feed your fear with your thoughts. It becomes huge and at some point you lose control of it. Fear begins to control you. It holds you back from what you need to satisfy your basic needs, to be in demand, loved, free, etc. It is important to remain the master of your feelings. Difficult? It’s not easy if there are a lot of traumas and mental wounds. What to do to get rid of this fear? First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the appearance, the source of this fear. What could be the sources? Anticipation of suffering against which existing defenses are not effective. That is, it is impossible to escape from them, it is impossible to alleviate suffering. Anticipation of the loss of joy and pleasure. Infection with fear in communication with significant people. That is, if others, especially close people, are afraid, then you begin to be afraid yourself. Awareness of the source of fear already reduces the fear itself. The only way to overcome fear is to face it. Some people take this literally. For some of you, facing fear means stepping into a scary situation and making your vision a reality. Let's imagine that you, for example, are a person who is afraid to take an exam. Your fear manifests itself on a physiological level, your palms sweat, when you see the teacher you go into a stupor and cannot utter a word. And so you decided that the best way to get rid of fear is to face fear in reality, face to face. You went to take the exam. And this fear of yours, it is in your body, this feeling is endowed with energy. And it is perfectly read by the people around you. This fear of yours will be felt by everyone around you. And the teacher, most likely, based on your appearance, will draw his own conclusion: “The person is afraid, which means he is not ready to answer, he did not teach.” This will only increase his attention and increase his desire to ask you more questions. Your fear will not only not recede, it will completely take over you, you will no longer be able to control your wobbly legs, shifting eyes, sweat on your forehead, fog in your head and a lump in your throat. This is a failure! This is another injury. You will leave the exam feeling helpless and small, insignificant and pathetic. You will be accompanied by the looks of your classmates and thoughts in your head: “Shame! Hurry up and leave." This trauma will only increase your fear. I don't recommend getting rid of your fear this way./)