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From the author: The life script underlies our successes or failures, is the reason for choosing a partner and the characteristics of relationships with him. How is it formed or what is “parental programming”? The experience of my work shows that quite common problems of clients are a feeling of helplessness in building their own happy life, causeless manifestations of sadness, anger at the world or themselves. Many people are in the grip of childhood experience and In adulthood, they often reproduce patterns of response in relationships with others that were formed in early childhood. So, one of my clients, being eight months pregnant, said that she could easily cope on her own. Thus, with an apparently prosperous relationship, she expressed her readiness to take the entire burden of caring for the child on her shoulders. My question about how conscious she was of the decision to “Be Strong” puzzled her. And literally a month later, such a situation arose in her life. The experience of working with her showed that she is in the “Be Strong” Driver and unconsciously implements it into life, selecting the appropriate partner for this role. Our life is a series of changing contexts. And sometimes it seems that a person has programmed himself in advance for failure. In fact, that's how it is. It's no secret that in the first five years we build our first sketch of our future life. How does this happen? Communication between a child and a parent is the first experience of interaction with the outside world. American psychotherapist E. Berne believed that a child builds his own model of the world in the first 5 years of life, makes changes at the age of 12-15 years, and subsequently implements it in relationships with himself and others. In the process of communicating with loved ones, the child experiences feelings in connection with the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of his own needs. For example, the need to be significant is a basic human need and the child strives in every possible way to satisfy it. This can be most difficult for a child who has brothers or sisters in his family. Thus, one of my clients experienced a feeling of sadness due to the lack of attention from her mother. Working with her showed that one of the forbidden feelings in this family was a feeling of anger in connection with the appearance of a new family member. Due to the current situation, the girl suppressed her feelings of anger and replaced it with sadness. Thus, while still very young, she formed the script belief “I am not needed” and her little Professor decided on the need to take care of her brothers and sisters as a way of maintaining her own importance to the detriment of her own self. As a result, she found a use for herself in the helping profession and brought yourself almost to the point of complete exhaustion. It should be noted that parents convey certain instructions to the child (for example, “Don’t grow up”, “Don’t be important”, “Don’t trust”, etc.), and the child makes early decisions based on this and selects a certain life strategy to confirm them (“Winner”, “Loser” or “Non-winner”). In situations of subsequent communication, the child checks early decisions, playing a certain role, consolidates them, while working out a certain style of interaction with adults. Subsequently, the child accumulates memories and uses them as a template, creating situations of failure, helplessness and unfulfillment in his life. Thus, a life scenario is formed. Reformulation of early decisions is possible when providing professional assistance either in individual counseling or in group psychotherapeutic work.