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HOW TO REDUCE AGGRESSION IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS. Aggressive behavior is one of the involuntary ways in which the human body “tries” to reduce high internal tension. Outbursts of anger are a simple defensive reaction of our body. Thus, we get rid of the emotions and experiences that overwhelm us. The manifestation of malice or anger can persist for quite a long time and interfere with the victim himself and those around him. The accumulated energy of anger and anger destroys us from the inside, causing illness, fatigue and depression. YOU CAN OBSERVE SIGNS OF AGGRESSIVENESS Irritation, dissatisfaction, anger (for any, even minor reason) Hitting others with hands or other objects Verbal insult, condemnation. Muscle tension (shrinking fists) An angry person needs help: due to decreased control over his actions, he can commit rash acts, injure himself and others. Help consists of 1) minimizing the number of people around the angry person; 2) providing the opportunity to “let off steam” ( to speak out, “butt”); 3) assignment of work associated with high physical activity; 4) in a demonstration of benevolence. Don't blame him, speak out about his actions. Reduce aggressive behavior with the phrases “I see the emotion of anger in you, you want to smash everything to smithereens. If I were you, I would feel the same way. Let’s find a way out of this situation together without harming ourselves and others”;5) by finding an opportunity to defuse the situation with funny comments or actions, but not degrading the dignity of the victim and the offender. AGGRESSION CAN BE SUPPRESSED BY FEAR OF PUNISHMENT Anger must be released in alternative and harmless ways. Here are a few ways to relieve negative emotions of anger, irritation, aggression 1. GIVE FUTURE TO YOUR FEELINGS! It is very important to allow yourself to be angry and feel anger. Write a letter of hate and anger. After writing, be sure to burn the letter. There is another alternative to this method - close yourself, or go to where there are fewer people (forest, dacha, etc.), and scream at the top of your lungs and shout as you want. 2. DON'T PUT YOURSELF TO THE LIMIT WHEN YOU ARE YELLED OR CRITICIZED! The best way to deal with anger is to express it to the person who made you angry. Just say: “You know, I don’t like it when you talk to me like that...” or “I’m angry with you because...” You can address the offender through the mirror. Play out the situation that pissed you off, and, imagining in the mirror the one who offended you, express everything you think about him. After your anger has subsided, try to sincerely understand and forgive him. Forgiveness will help you completely free yourself from anger and aggression. 3. LEARN TO PAUSE! The easiest way to cope with yourself is to take a deep breath and count to ten. If possible, get out of the space where you are seized by anger, take a walk, because movement will definitely help you cope with the adrenaline that is running high. You can also “wash off” the negative with water. Contact with water will provide a discharge. When you feel like you can barely restrain yourself from saying too much, mentally fill your mouth with water. Let the plot from the fairy tale about enchanted water help you with this: “Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. Not a day went by without them arguing. And, although both were tired of quarreling, they could not stop. One day, a fortune teller came into their house and gave them a bucket of enchanted water: “If you feel like swearing again, take a mouthful of this water, and the quarrel will pass.” As soon as she was out the door, the old woman began to nag the old man. And he took water into his mouth and remained silent. What now, should the old woman shake the air alone? It takes two to fight! So they lost the habit of swearing...” 4. GET RID OF ACCUMULATED ANXIETY AND INTERNAL BLOCKS! The following techniques, borrowed from the Taoist teachings of Shou Dao, will help you. The “Buddha Smile” exercise will allow you to easily come tostate of mental balance. Calm down and try not to think about anything. Completely relax the muscles of your face and imagine how they fill with heaviness and warmth, and then, having lost their elasticity, they seem to “flow” down in a pleasant languor. Focus on the corners of your lips. Imagine how your lips begin to move slightly to the sides, forming a slight smile. Do not exert any muscular effort. You will feel your lips stretch into a subtle smile, and a feeling of incipient joy will appear throughout your body. Try to do this exercise every day until the “Buddha smile” state becomes familiar to you. 5. GO TO A NEUROLOGIST. Don't be shy or afraid. There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re healthy, it’s just that life has provoked a depressive state that is natural in your situation. Tell us about the recurring thoughts that debilitate you. You will be prescribed harmless medications, possibly homeopathic, which you will take when emotions overwhelm you. Don't be ashamed of what happens to you. This is not that uncommon. The reduction in aggression will be persistent when you discover the thoughts that provoke outbursts of anger. To change your beliefs, seek advice from a psychologist. In the absence of specialized help, communication and socialization in society may become difficult in the future, the position of an aggressor is formed, and inharmonious personality traits are consolidated: emotional coldness, unceremoniousness, suspicion, aggressiveness, nihilism, negligence, etc. Remember that when the first pathological symptoms of anger appear, you must turn to specialist and receive comprehensive treatment to find out the origins of the problems. Your specialist in creating health and happiness in the family, Katerina. Games to relieve child aggression What to do if your child is aggressive? What if all his games with his peers end with him offending other children and they no longer want to play with him? Very simple! Teach your child to express his anger in an acceptable way. Allow him to express his aggression so that it does not become the reason for his isolation. Special games will help you with this, which will surely please your little bully and his friends. Remember that the games described below should be carried out under your guidance and supervision.1. Pushers – Divide the children into pairs. They should stand opposite each other and rest their palms at arm's length. At your signal, the children should begin to put pressure on each other and try to move the opponent from his place. As soon as one of them wins, he must stop resisting and returns to his original position. If suddenly one of the couple gets tired, he should say “stop” and the other should immediately release the pressure. It is forbidden to hurt each other. This game teaches children to control their movements and helps to throw out aggression. The game can be complicated by asking the children to cross their palms, stand on one leg, rest with only their left hand, or push with their backs.2. Paper balls - children are divided into 2 teams. Each child receives a piece of newspaper. The teams line up opposite each other, with a conventional line dividing the room. At your signal, the children begin to crumple newspapers into tight balls, looking at their opponents. At the second signal, they begin to throw the resulting balls into each other’s territory. After a while, you give the command “stop” and the kids should stop all activity. The team with the fewest balls on its territory wins. Make sure that during the game children do not push or enter the territory of another team.3. Sparrow fights - children choose a pair and turn into pugnacious “sparrows” (they crouch, clasping their knees with their hands). The “sparrows” jump sideways towards each other and jostle. Whichever child falls or removes his hands from his knees is eliminated from the game (the “wings” and paws are treated by Dr. Aibolit). “Fights” begin and end at a signal from an adult. If you do not want to organize active games for the child with his.