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Quite often in our daily lives we are faced with a bad mood. There are a large number of reasons for this, and few people escape this disease. In a bad mood, we often behave irrationally, we are irritable, our energy potential is weakened, and we cannot make effective decisions. But don't despair. We are quite capable of changing a bad mood. To do this, you need to perform certain actions, and the time you spend on them will turn out to be of multiple benefit. There are a huge number of manuals outlining all sorts of ways to combat depression. But in order to study all this, you need to kill a lot of time, and it is unknown whether there will be a result from this. People need simple and understandable practical advice to take and apply, rather than study boring theories. It is these practical tips that will be discussed in this article. 1. “Emotional release” method. For this method, it is enough to allocate about half an hour of your time, after which you will notice how your mood improves and your thoughts come into order. The point is to free your body and thoughts from accumulated tension. Find a place , where no one can disturb you or misunderstand you. Turn off your thinking and criticism of yourself and those around you. Forget about your age, social status, your merits, etc. Behave like a child. Jump, run, sing, dance, turn on your favorite music and do whatever comes to your mind. Don’t be afraid to seem funny, don’t try to evaluate it with your mind, just give in to your emotions. As soon as you feel tired, lie down and rest. Do not deny your body sleep, citing lack of time. Perhaps this is what caused your bad mood. Don’t forget that things done in a bad mood will not turn out well, so it’s better to have a good rest in order to gain strength and start working with new thoughts. 2. “Muscle corset” This method is described in the book by Norbekov Mirzakarim “The Experience of a Fool.” At first it may seem strange and certainly not effective, but you must overcome your doubts and try. Moreover, it only takes about 5 minutes a day. And everything is very simple: you need to straighten your back, raise your head high, straighten your shoulders and smile as broadly as possible. Well, what's so difficult? This method is even more effective if you look in the mirror so you get feedback. And it will be easier for you to control and correct yourself. While doing this technique, you will feel your mood lifting and negative thoughts disappearing. Pleasant memories and joyful moments come to you. This happens already in 5-7 minutes, although for some it may be faster. We will not delve into why this technique works, but it is important for us to get results. 3. Regular listening to motivating audio recordings. At the moment, materials recorded in audio and video format have gained enormous popularity. These are various trainings, audiobooks, lectures, etc. A large number of sources have become available to us from which we can take the motivating information we need. Until recently, only books and other printed publications were available to us, but time does not stand still and everything is done for our good. Therefore, it would be stupid not to use these opportunities. Of course, if you are a big fan of books and perceive information by ear more difficult, then this is unlikely to suit you. But then you must regularly read books that will guide you to success. It's better to combine both. For example, you are very tired and don’t have the strength to read. In such a situation, you can sit back, turn on an audiobook and absorb useful information. Here are the main advantages of materials recorded in audio format: 1. When you hear the living voice of a successful person, it greatly motivates you to take action. Having chosen the right intonation and words, the coach is able to push out