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In my previous articles, I wrote about at what points in their lives people can turn to a psychologist and for what reasons, and also made an attempt to show what working with a psychologist can give a client, what opportunities such cooperation has from the client’s point of view vision. Today I want to think about what kind of people turn to a psychologist and why. I will rely in my reasoning only on my many years of and quite dynamic practice. And since each of us most often shares only his own point of view, and I am no exception to this, you should not treat the text below as the ultimate truth. Please treat what I am about to write with humor and curiosity. This is just my somewhat humorous and sarcastic view and nothing more. I think that many of you will be able to complement, expand, deepen, even challenge and criticize everything that is stated below. I will be happy to read your thoughts and reviews, I will try to accept criticism with dignity, so I invite those who wish to cooperate. I’ll say right away that I worked as a psychologist only in Russia, so I’m sorry, I can’t even imagine what it’s like in the near and far abroad, that’s why I’m writing only about residents of the Russian Federation. If anyone from near or far abroad wants to complement my reasoning, you are welcome to co-author. Based on my many years of observations and penchant for analysis, I quite speculatively and without evidence divided the entire population of my long-suffering Motherland into five groups-forms-ways of life. Look what I got. I have identified the following 5 groups: monoliths, sedentary, nomads, travelers, wanderers. Monoliths are the most numerous group. My compatriots who are in this group are very different in their mode of behavior and action, they are different in their internal emotional and moral mood, they live both in villages, hamlets, small towns, and in large regional centers and capitals. But they all have one thing in common - they are not inclined to “soul-searching” and analyze their lives or something else or someone else. They know exactly how to live and live this way, and they clearly absorbed this confidence in their knowledge with their mother’s milk and strengthened it in the process of their own lives. They know exactly how to be so that “your life is a success” or how to be so that “everything is in order.” Such people do not talk about lofty things (culture, art, religion, politics, and even more so psychology), they always have a point of view on it, and it doesn’t matter where it was gleaned and how conclusive it is, the main thing is that it is there! Yes, of course, during the moments of feasts, holidays and tea parties, they will definitely speculate on all these topics that are so abstract for them, but this is so, in between times, if you need to show off your erudition, wit, or show that you have your own opinion and point of view. And so, in everyday life, they have no time to think about this, no time to bother with various kinds of non-everyday issues. This group of people is constant in both their lifestyle and, quite likely, their place of residence. One gets the feeling that they live in this way from year to year, from century to century, passing on their experience and principle of being to subsequent generations. And they are unshakable in their foundations and principles, and only because they do not have the habit of questioning their way of life, thoughts and actions. In general, they are far from analysis, and, therefore, they do not approach us - psychologists; for them we are “mythical creatures, strange people and talkers”, “who understand little in real life.” No, a representative of a group of monoliths may accidentally look into some social center in search of the material subsidies he needs or something else necessary and, moreover, free, he may even look into the psychologist’s office, if there is one in this social center, but also with curiosity and expectation: “What if they give something useful and necessary for the household, what if something