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How to sell trainings. Marketing of psychological trainings for centers that provide these services to the population can be divided into two large parts - “external” and “internal”. “External” - attracting clients who have not attended trainings in a particular center. “Internal” - creating motivation for attending various trainings among people who are already undergoing or have completed training in a particular center. “External” marketing. General provisions. Effective promotion of trainings cannot rely on any one method of attracting clients. You can never accurately predict in advance which method will give the greatest effect. Each method of attracting customers must be economically justified. That is, the resources spent on its implementation must be compensated by financial profit. You cannot stop promoting (advertising) trainings when certain results are achieved. The effect should have a long-term continuation. All methods can be wisely combined based on the context of promotion of trainings, their focus, target audience, cost. Methods of promotion (advertising) of trainings. "External" marketing.1. Creation of a thematic website(s). The site should have good traffic due to interesting content. It is better if there are several sites that link to each other. Websites must perform the following tasks: Attracting customers Forming and maintaining an image Informing certain audience groups. Automation of information processes (mailing, information about the date and location of trainings, etc.) Assessing the effectiveness of sites. Number of people who came to the training from the site Number of pre-registrations on the site Number of registrations Number of calls and e-mail messages after viewing information on the site Receiving (printing) forms for special promotions, discounts on trainings, downloading files and information, books, etc. . The number of visits to certain sections on the site. The topic of “promotion”, promotion, optimization of the site is very extensive, and therefore is not covered in this manual. What is useful to do? All employees of the training company (organization) should create their own personal websites (blogs) where they can post information about the “main” website, as well as about ongoing trainings. In any case, it is useful to open a blog on one of the popular and free services and register on social networks. For example, if an organization has 5 managers, then each of them can easily open 5 information resources, which will amount to 15 Internet resources. Each company employee can ask his acquaintances, friends, colleagues to post a link to the company’s “main” website or post more detailed information about trainings. On average, 5 people can attract 10 people to advertise the “main” site (trainings), which will already amount to at least 50 links to promoted trainings. Each manager of an organization can register in three popular forums and, at least, sign in their messages during discussions in the form of a link to the “main” site. These three points do not require financial investments, and many are already registered in “Odnoklassniki” and “Contact” .2. Creation of a “thought virus”, “meme-technogolia”. Writing and retelling interesting fairy tales, tales about training (trainer). Creating a “myth” of extraordinary positive changes that can be based on real events and the benefits of training. For example, after my Dating Master training, one young man shared an unusual result. He said that now children, dogs and traffic cops easily get to know him, and girls somehow just end up nearby, he doesn’t even know why this happens. He realized that it was necessary to set a more precise goal before the training, otherwise you will have success with everyone! Do you need them all? Such stories should be told during breaks, over tea, on forums, etc. Like entertaining myths that are shared casually, with the right accents. “Thought virus” is something that is remembered and passed on to othersto people. For example, if someone liked a good joke, what is the person most likely to do? That's right - he'll tell someone else. Therefore, it is useful to generate “thought viruses” so that information about the training is shared with the help of entertaining stories about the training or trainer. If you simply ask a training participant to share with his friends what he liked, most likely this will not be done, and even if it is, the other person will not remember. They remember what is bright, funny, entertaining, and pass on such information further. People call this method “word of mouth.”3. Direct advertising. Contacting potential clients directly. Every day people communicate with someone, it is useful to have business cards and handouts so that you can always share it. It is also possible to directly contact a person, arouse their interest, or invite them to training if they show interest. Direct advertising requires the desire and ability to communicate easily and effectively among potential clients. These can be: By target categories. Businessmen (in the case of selling business trainings) Youth (personal growth trainings) Women (if the training is only for them) Men (similarly) Young mothers, parents By places of “habitat” Organizations, exhibitions, interest clubs. Universities, institutes, other educational institutions. Fitness centers, clubs, health institutions, etc. Places of public celebrations, parks, attractions, etc. 4. Forums. Opening the topic of trainings and trainers, training centers on various Internet forums. If this is done in an interesting and correct way, then there is a chance that this information will be passed on to someone else, friends, acquaintances, maybe they will attend the training being discussed. For one, you can put a signature in the form of a link to the “main” website of the organization. For example, there are a lot of “women’s” sites on the Internet with a very large number of visitors; every major portal always has a forum where there is very high activity. As a rule, no one will allow direct advertising, but participation in the discussion of problems, with a story about how one friend was able to solve them with the help of... etc. If you are promoting training for women, these forums are your direct route.5. Direct free advertising of trainings on the Internet. It turns out that there are many resources where you can post information about upcoming trainings. For example, http://www.treningoff.ru/: “You have the opportunity to post information about upcoming trainings on our website for free. To do this, send by e-mail: [email protected] all the information about your company. After registering a company on the site, you will be sent a link to a page where you can enter, correct and delete information about trainings.” Here’s another: http://www.treninglist.ru/, the same placement system. The same thing, but for Moscow: http://www.treningi-moskvi.ru/ “Psychological trainings, personal growth trainings, self-development trainings. Moscow". And of course, one of the largest portals is TREKO.RU, free posting of information about trainings in more than 20 cities of the CIS. In fact, there are many more such resources than I listed above. In 10 minutes I found 12, if you want you can find more. This is a good (free) way to promote your trainings on the Internet.6. Maintaining mailings. Newsletters can be either thematic or simply entertaining, but they still provide an influx of visitors to the site. For example, in three years the total number of subscribers to my newsletters was more than 55,000 people. This is without purchasing additional subscribers from mailing services. Thus, the newsletter “Aphorisms and short anecdotes from the site http://www.nlplife.ru/” has an audience of 20,000 people. This newsletter can serve as a good advertisement for the Humorology training. It is, of course, desirable that each training is supported by one (two) mailings. And comments can be sent to the forum, where current training issues can be discussed, and also attract visitors. Another important point, in addition to well-known services such as mail.ru, subscribe.ru, you can sendletters to subscribers from your website. Make this possible, technically it’s simple, everyone who visits the site will be able to enter their e-mail in the established form, and you will have your own subscribers interested in a certain topic. Some useful rules for maintaining a mailing list. Use links in the content of the letter. Their number should be reasonable. Let the title also be a link to your website. Don't write long letters. If it's larger than a page, chances are it won't be read. Use large font, not everyone has good eyesight. Highlight the main ideas. Break the letter into parts. You can name each one so that the title reflects the meaning of the part below. If there is an offer in the letter, highlight it with a link. Don't negotiate. At the most interesting place, install a “Read more” link that will lead to your website. Try to come up with “talking” headlines whenever possible. Reply to all comments and reviews. If you have several mailing lists, advertise each other in one. Don't make spelling or lexical mistakes. Send your newsletter regularly. Optimally once or twice a week. Come up with an informative and catchy name for your newsletter. Sometimes it may coincide with the name of the training. For example: the training “How to make anyone fall in love with you” has a newsletter of the same name.7. Participation in conferences, disputes, discussions. The best decision is to participate in such events, organizing them for potential clients. Conferences, disputes, discussions can take place both on the Internet and in real life. A good option is to discuss any current problem in psychology (or life) and broadcast this debate on the Internet. There are many services that provide this opportunity. There are necessary conditions. You must be prepared to discuss. This must be done in an interesting way. Options for solving problems (tasks) include completing certain trainings. It’s right to discuss which ones. During the discussion there should be no swearing, insults, etc.8. Articles and more articles. Writing interesting, high-quality, thematic articles and posting them, first of all, on your website, as well as others on websites, newspapers and magazines. Articles should reflect the content of the training, its relevance for clients, or there may be information about the trainer, its activities. · It is not necessary to call for attending the training in every article; a meta-message is enough: “this is interesting”, “beneficial”, “useful”, etc. · Each article must contain links and the “main” site. Links can be in the title, or they can be scattered throughout the text. Two or three will be enough. · The optimal output of articles is once a week, respectively, 4 per month. · Articles can be provocative, causing discussion and discussion. It is necessary to maintain a balance between provocation and the challenge of rejection, anger, and condemnation. It’s just that the first quickly turns into the second. · Articles other than the main site should be represented on the Internet as much as possible. · Firstly, on free article posting services. · Secondly, not paid services. · Thirdly, on forums, thematic sites, friends' resources, blogs. To do this, it is necessary to organize such placement, or exchange articles. · Articles should evoke a desire to write a comment, express an opinion, argue.9. Writing books. For each training – one book, this is the norm, the more, the better. Be sure to make an audiobook out of the printed version. Format each book into articles. See point 8. The fastest way to write a book is to make an audio recording of the training and format it. You can also write articles. All books for a specific training must be presented for sale. They are more important than any non-thematic books or works by outside authors.10. Creating video presentations. It is useful to create video presentations for each training. It would be better if the presenter of the training himself was recorded. It would also be good to record video reviews of the training so that people give feedback indicating specific successes and benefits from the training. Next we post it all for freeon well-known video services, and, of course, on your website, as an addition to the description of the training.11. Radio broadcast. It will be useful if the trainer conducts a series of programs, or some section. Of course, single invitations to the broadcast are also useful, but the audience does not have time to remember the invited person for 15 minutes. Radio broadcasting must be regular. Suggest current columns and interesting programs to the editors-in-chief of radio stations. If they are interested, the effect of the performances will not be long in coming.12. Presentation classes: Make sense if they are free and you can gather a sufficient number of potential training participants. It is possible to hold a one-day marathon, where each training leader will give a presentation for 1 hour, so that there is an opportunity to watch as many trainings and trainers as possible.13. Participation in the work of any popular printed publication. This could be maintaining a separate section or column, regularly answering questions from readers, the same articles. There, most likely, there will be no direct advertising of the training, but the trainer can present himself as an interesting person, competent in any area.14. Information from colleagues (other trainers). It is better when, in the context of the training, your training is recommended as the most interesting on a specific issue. 15. Online trainings. If it is possible to gather a sufficient audience, it is possible to conduct a small training or its presentation, where to provide interesting materials that will encourage people to come and take full-fledged classes at the training center.16. Distance learning. People who live far from the city where the training is held will be happy to study remotely. This makes it possible to introduce the trainer and his trainings. It makes sense to organize such classes if you motivate students to come to intensive training, or provide training for a fee.17. Speaking at various events not directly related to the possibility of attracting clients. Conferences, round tables, discussions, exhibitions. At these events you can make presentations and offer training. For example, tourism exhibitions, where you can make a report on how to create advertising for travel companies, etc. The trainer must leave materials about himself and his trainings.18. Printed advertisements in the locations of potential clients. If personal growth trainings are conducted for young people, then placing advertisements in institutes and other educational institutions will come in handy. However, information about business trainings should not be posted at bus stops.19. E-mail newsletter. I don’t mean SPAM, if you have subscribers on your site, then news about trainings can be sent to them. Many people use paid mailing services.20. Specialized and simple bookstores. Stores selling “isoteric” literature and materials sometimes allow you to post advertisements for thematic trainings for a small fee.21. Advertising on television, radio. This is paid and expensive, so it is practically inaccessible. But if you have a budget, this option cannot be ruled out.22. Production of various reference books about trainers, training companies, the trainings themselves. Mainly working on the image of a trainer or training center. “Internal” marketing.1. Accessible and simple information about all trainings conducted in the organization. Simplicity of description. General scheme. What is the training about, for whom, what is useful, what are the benefits, who conducts it, price. Lack of identical descriptions for different trainings There should not be two identical descriptions for different trainings. This creates confusion and unnecessary competition. Catchy headlines and rhetorical questions Do you know how...? What else can be...? How much does it cost...? And the like.2. Personal communication between administrators, center managers and visitors. Clarification of needs. Advice to attend a training where these needs can be met.3. Handouts. Training schedule. Brief description of trainings, advertising. Creation of a comfortable learning environment. Food, coffee, tea. Timely and fast.