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Have you met people in your life who divide everything only into positive and negative? Personally, yes! For my friend, there is no concept of “in between”, everything is either too terrible or too good for her, her mood is either good or bad, the food is tasty or poisonous, the list can be endless. The most important thing here is the extreme with which she treats absolutely everything that surrounds her. In this article I would like to touch on the topic of black and white thinking. Black and white thinking refers to people who view everything in their lives through an either/or lens. For them the weather is either terrible or wonderful. Something between “the weather is good, just the wind is a little disturbing” does not exist for them. Such people are too categorical about everything and always choose only one side. For them, a person is either right in everything or wrong at all. There are many disadvantages of black and white thinking. The first and, in my opinion, the most important thing is a categorical attitude towards yourself and others. If such a person makes a mistake, for example, at work, he will always think that he is not capable of anything and this field of activity is not suitable for him. The same thing is projected onto other people: if a person around him says something ridiculous once, then he will be labeled as “not a particularly smart person.” Another disadvantage is that with such thinking a person has certain images of perfection There is no middle ground for him. He believes that he will become happy only when he earns over a million a month or, for example, that a future partner must have certain qualities. The pursuit of perfection can rarely last indefinitely. truly happy. I want to warn you right away that sometimes each of us uses black and white thinking, this is absolutely normal as long as it does not have a negative impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. Observe yourself and note how often. Do you evaluate everything in terms of “so good, so bad”, do you notice the middle? Do you want to get rid of black and white thinking and start noticing new colors of life? Book a consultation with me and we will definitely find a solution to your problem?!