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Immunity The article presents a client case (consent received) on working with immunity using the method of emotional-imaginative therapy. Its biological and psychological connection is shown. Immunity is the ability of living beings to resist the action of damaging agents, maintaining their integrity and biological individuality. Already in the definition itself are the principles that the immune system follows: freedom, integrity, independence, inviolability, individuality. From a psychological point of view, these words mean personal values, including the right to be oneself, preserving one’s uniqueness, one’s personal boundaries, the right to autonomy. From the standpoint of the practice of emotional-imaginative therapy (EFT), immunity is regarded as something responsible for the inviolability of not only the body in in particular, but also the individual in general. Functions of the immune system: - helps the individual preserve his individuality and uniqueness when interacting with the outside world (therefore, in matters related to weakening of the immune system, the key to solving a huge number of not only psychosomatic, but also personal problems is buried); - protects the body from the penetration of foreign substances into it; bacteria, fungi, viruses and toxins; ensures that parts of the body do not turn against each other; - identifies and destroys mutant cells that could otherwise develop into cancer. Immune cells are very sensitive to our emotions. They are activated if our condition is normal, and lose their original function if they understand that the life they want to protect is not worth it. At the same time, whether life is worth it or not is decided by the person himself, the holder of immunity himself. In other words, immune cells are best mobilized when they are protecting a life that is truly worth living. Example, client case “Lazy Soldiers and Baba Yaga” Sergei began to get sick often in recent years, so we devoted one of the consultations to immunity. I asked Sergei to introduce his immune cells. He saw them in the form of slack soldiers, as if after a hearty lunch. An image of illness appeared nearby: Baba Yaga, dressed in rags. She threw mud at the soldiers, but they didn’t care. Here we can talk about immunological tolerance. Immunological tolerance is tolerance of the presence of someone else, i.e. the presence of cells other than one’s own in the body. Such tolerance is formed during the prenatal period. Then it is necessary so as not to reject the mother’s immune cells (passive immunity). After birth, the need for passive immunity disappears, since the child develops its own active immunity. Active immunity, translated into psychological language, is an analogue of personality boundaries. They protect the human ego, and it can actively manifest itself. In this client case, immunological tolerance for some reason allowed external influences to calmly remain on the territory of the client’s body, freely soiling its territory with dirt. The next step was identification with the image of Baba Yaga. - Baba Yaga, what are you doing for Sergei? - I want to destroy him, because he wants to destroy himself. He doesn't take care of himself properly. Next, I asked the client to look at who the soldiers should guard. They need to be protected by bright light energy, which is covered in a glass flask. There was mold on this flask. I asked Sergei to identify himself with the image of this mold. She showed us that the glass was intact, but dirty and stained. - Mold, how long have you been here? - About three years, when Sergei stopped taking care of his health. - But why did he make such a decision? Then the client remembered himself, 20 years old. Sergei returned from abroad, where he wanted to stay and live, but his plans were not destined to come true. He felt like a failure. During the same period, problems with finances and studies were added, a close relative died and hostilities began in his region. That's when they arosethoughts of throwing myself under a train. Sergei took a closer look at his image: in winter he was not dressed for the weather, because he simply did not have enough money for a warmer jacket. Next, the client identified with the same Loser who exhibits suicidal tendencies. This part stood on the subway platform with the thought “maybe I can finish everything?”, I felt endless fatigue from everything, my uselessness. In the body, it was felt in the stomach with heartburn and twisting, nausea. I asked to imagine an image of what causes these sensations. It turned out to be a black snake, wriggling in a ball, covered in mucus and dirt. The client felt neither fear nor wariness towards her. On the contrary, she beckoned him: when he approached her, he would instantly feel better. Now it was necessary to become this snake. We learned from her: she appeared to protect Sergei from pain, that no one needed him. The understanding has come that his loved ones need him the way they want to see him. But problematic, spontaneous, risky (one that does not fit into their ideas) is not needed. And this problematic one is exactly on the platform. But who doesn’t need him like that? It turned out to be mother and grandmother. This was further confirmed in terms of assessments and attitude towards the client. The snake also added that it was invented by Sergei personally. Having not received the experience of love and acceptance in childhood, grown-up children can retain the hope that if they change themselves, adapt as much as possible to the expectations of adults, then they will finally be loved. The psychological department never happens. The next step was to stop expecting his mother and grandmother to accept him for who he is. To do this, we applied the EOT method - return on investment. Sergei took away his expectations of love and acceptance from his mother and grandmother. The image of this was children's drawings, postcards, and crafts, to which they usually reacted with indifference. We gathered these beautiful things into a pile and gave them permission to express their feelings to these objects, asked them to tell what they were originally, to become one. They turned into children's love - red-yellow energy. And Sergei regained this energy, which he had invested in relationships with his family, which he had once torn away from himself in the hope of receiving love in return. This red-yellow energy entered the client's stomach. In exchange, we gave our mother and grandmother the damage in the form of old rags and boxes. Harm is the rejection that the client received. In essence, these are instructions “don’t live,” “don’t be yourself,” “make others happy.” After this exchange, the snake became cleaner and no longer had an alluring effect. The client became a snake again. She showed that 20-year-old Sergei on the platform was already feeling better and said that she was no longer needed. In our work, we must not give in to temptation and let go, throw away any images, no matter how repulsive they may seem. These may be our important parts. Sergei felt that the snake was definitely his. We turned to the snake and allowed it to become what it was originally. It turned out that it was self-love: it turned into red-yellow-pink energy. Previously, we discovered a child’s love for parents, and this same love was for oneself. Sergei accepted this love - the energy entered through the genitals and pelvis. This is love for yourself as a man, your masculinity. After accepting this energy, the image of 20-year-old Sergei no longer had the desire to jump in front of a train, he wanted to go to the park, to nature. We are back to the image of immunity. That vessel with energy became much purer, Baba Yaga calmed down, and the soldiers woke up. The client, from his 20-year-old self, gave permission to the soldiers to defend his territory. After all, they do not do anything reprehensible, defending their own. (This was necessary, since Sergei had a ban on displaying any kind of aggression, including that which is necessary for any living organism in protecting its life and integrity). The soldiers reacted with applause and began to warm up after their long rest. Baba Yaga no longer threw dirt at them. Next, the client was offered the dirt that was on the flask,