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The demand for psychological help in our difficult times of crisis is increasing exponentially, and there are more and more specialists ready to offer such help. The field of online consulting also opens up its own additional opportunities. With the development of the field of practical psychology itself, more and more different methods and techniques are appearing. But how to find, even with such a large choice, exactly your psychologist? Such a specialist with whom it is guaranteed to be comfortable to interact with, who will act within the framework of professional ethics and will be truly capable of providing the necessary assistance? Many people use word of mouth. But not everyone is ready to share the contact information of their psychologist, and a recommendation is not always a guarantee that you will also have good contact with this specialist. On various aggregators, there are algorithms for selecting a suitable psychologist according to various criteria: the topic you want to work with, time zone and your other wishes. But the most important thing, if you are looking for a specialist on your own, is whether you like him as a person, whether he is close in values. This can be understood from what a specialist has written about himself and his work (if it is a detailed questionnaire on any website), from prof. blog (if a psychologist runs it - and many people do now). It is also important to listen to yourself, even just when evaluating a psychologist’s photograph. Although our brain already reads all the information automatically - in fact, even before you consciously analyze it and decide whether you want to go to this specialist or not. And yet, listen to yourself: does trust arise? Willingness to share? Hope to get help? In this matter, I suggest relying on your “gut instinct.” But below I will write about some signs that may be alarm bells (i.e., seeing them, from a client’s perspective, I would not be able to trust such a specialist). To avoid misunderstandings, I will immediately write that I do not intend to criticize, especially aimed at anyone in particular, but I am only expressing my personal observations. So, it can be alarming if: - a psychologist promises to cure everything in one session, guarantees miraculous transformations in the shortest possible time deadlines and instant changes in life by 180 degrees (spoiler: this is impossible, the psyche (or rather the brain) strives to maintain the current situation, because in principle it does not really like changes, especially instant ones); - declares that he owns the only the correct method and the most effective techniques in the world (yes, of course, any psychologist can only trust his own method, but if almost all of his self-presentation is connected with praising the method and the belief that only it is the most effective, this can in some cases be alarming ring a bell, especially if the method is not recognized as completely scientific); - claims that it works equally effectively with all requests existing in the world (yes, there are generalist specialists (and there are quite a lot of them) who take on many different topics, but even They have certain areas of competence and limitations, as well as the scope of the prof. interests, where they are strongest). This is probably the most basic of all that I could remember. In my search for my psychologist as a client, I analyzed a lot of information. I myself personally paid attention to how the specialist writes/talks about himself: does he share how exactly he works and what is most important for him in his work, what he considers unacceptable and what he strives for, what principles he is guided by, what view he has on people and psychology, how he feels about his profession (when a person is charged and inspired by what he does, this is usually immediately visible). I paid attention to all these things. The main thing, whatever one may say, is trust in yourself. Successful searches to all those for whom this topic is now relevant!