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The method of systemic family constellations works with our subconscious, therefore it is effective. What is our unconscious? Our psyche includes both consciousness and subconscious. What is the difference - let's figure it out? CONSCIOUSNESS is rational thinking, analytical thinking, willpower, temporary memory, knowledge. SUBCONSCIOUS - constant memory, emotions and emotional clamps, habits, self-defense, limiting beliefs, fears, past experiences, negative way of thinking. Imagine an iceberg: The tip of the iceberg is the consciousness of the 10%. The rest of the iceberg under water is 90% subconscious. Consciousness and subconsciousness are separated by Control (“Censorship”, “Customs”), which does not allow you into the subconscious. It is safer for our psyche if most of our unconscious does not come out. Because there are fears, “bad” thoughts about oneself, repressed desires, childhood traumas. And it hurts. We draw a conclusion 👇Most of our actions, habits, reactions are unconscious, and this is 90%. That is why we often want the new, but the old is more familiar, safer. And thanks to the constellation method, you can play out a new scenario in a way that is environmentally friendly for the psyche. Test new strategies, choose the most productive and comfortable one for us. Therefore, the method is as environmentally friendly as possible and at the same time effective. Constellation is a method that helps to see the causes of problems in a context broader than the life of one person. What types of constellations do I carry out? 1. Constellations with living substitutes This is group work. The client request is processed with the help of “living deputies” - group members. Work format: 1 client + 6 or more deputies (deputy acts as the client’s emotion, the cause of the situation or the main character of the client’s story). I conduct constellations with living deputies online and offline. Online they look like this👇2. Arrangements on toys Work format: 1 client + toys that will replace the client’s conditioned feelings, the cause of the problem, the main characters of the client’s story. 3. Arrangements on floor anchors Work format: 1 client + blank sheets of A4 paper, which will act as “Observer”, “Critic”, “Realist”, “Dreamer”, “Client”, “Rescuer”, “Tyrant”, “Victims” (depending on the context of the request and the chosen technique for working with it). I invite you to participate free of charge as a deputy in an online format. To do this, add to the participants’ chat👉: https://t.me/rasstanovki2023 The upcoming free online constellation sessions are suspended until the fall.