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I’ll start my article with excerpts from the law, since it is important for all of us to understand which restrictions are legal and which are not.”The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain prohibitions and restrictions regarding work in one organization (as well as in one structural unit of the organization) of relatives or family members. In addition, as noted on the website of the online inspectorate, the establishment of such a ban by the employer is unlawful, since it acts as discrimination in the world of work." "Activities of organizations of the state and municipal sectors in addition to The Labor Code of the Russian Federation is regulated by other laws and by-laws. Thus, restrictions related to the joint work of relatives are prescribed in a number of laws and acts and, according to them, the work of relatives (parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters, and brothers) is not allowed. , sisters, parents, children of spouses and spouses of children), providing for their subordination or control." And then we’ll start to figure out what the pros and cons are of spouses working in the same organization. Probably, we should immediately separate two branches of thought, and they, in essence, are the answers to the question posed: 1. When spouses want to work together, they believe that it is convenient, that it is possible and necessary, and2. When they are categorically against it. Agree, those who work together are people with compatibility like astronauts... This is very common when it comes to small family businesses: mini-hotels, cafes, bakeries, small shops, flower shops - and almost all family members work there, including growing children who help. A good option? Good. We have all seen such small family companies and used their services. The opinion of fellow psychologists is interesting: Averina Svetlana Anatolyevna I was very lucky. My husband has a lot of effective skills and is involved in my work in terms of conceptualization and promotion. It’s enough for both your projects and mine. Alexander Kardashov Olga, thank you for the interesting article. My wife and I have been working together for many years; at one time it was hired labor, but for the last 7 years we have been in a joint business. It works great. Of course, spouses work together not only in their small businesses, but also in medium or large companies, in government agencies, and in enterprises. You can remember family dynasties, when all family members worked at some big factory and were proud of it. Olga Kesler wrote: “nepotism” at work." Kolpakova Anna Sergeevna In his case, I’m against it. And so, it depends. for people, how they work, if they support their families - of course, wow))) And there are also very worthy stories. My grandparents met in besieged Leningrad, in stationary aircraft repair shops, they worked together throughout the war. And in general, throughout their working lives. commercial companies treat relatives differently at work and, sometimes, secretly, without stating this in the documents, they introduce their own prohibitions. You’ve probably heard that in some companies personal relationships, “office romances” up to and including dismissal are prohibited. measures are on their conscience. In our company, at the dawn of its existence, when there were only 20 brave dreamers in it, who saw no barriers and wanted to build a civilized and strong business, our director, who is also the owner of the company, told us: “Open your notes books and invite your relatives, friends, acquaintances to work." But not just anyone! He had quite clear requirements for candidates: compulsory higher education, as a kind of qualification, age from 30 years, so that the person already had life experience, both positive and negative, which he had overcome, the desire and ability to learn, to start from a low start, grow and earn money in our company. Preference was given to family people, it’s good if with children, as they are more stable and responsible, not “flyers”, and of course peopleenergetic, with an active lifestyle, optimistic. Our boss then conducted all the interviews personally and he himself assembled the core of the team, which allowed him to gradually create a big business. So relatives, friends and acquaintances worked and work in our now group of companies many, many problems associated with this, I don’t remember . But, of course, we hired not only by recommendation, but also by advertisements in the newspaper in those days, and later through job sites. In any case, through competitive selection. But there are still examples of complications in the case of spouses working. Let me give you an example when one of the top managers, who worked at the Group of Companies together with his wife, their marriage was more than 20 years old, fell in love with one of the new employees and very quickly, literally within a month, made a decision and left the family. For his wife, by the way, a kind, beautiful, loving woman, it was a terrible tragedy. And it was explosive for all of them to continue working in one team. Then the managers decided that this top manager and his new wife would move and go to work in the Moscow office, and the ex-wife would remain to work in the same city where she worked. I will share this , that my husband and I worked in the same company for 19 years and for us these were complete advantages. We live in the Moscow region, and worked in the center of Moscow - we drove from and to work in the same car. We gladly participated in various seminars, conferences that were held in boarding houses, we “had a blast” at various parties, corporate events, which was plenty over many years of work. My husband worked as the head of the sales department for Ukraine and Belarus. Basically, he and I worked in different departments, but there was a period - probably five years, when we were put on the same team - I was appointed director of business development in Ukraine and Belarus, I needed to open and stock a warehouse in Kiev, select team to the office, work with large dealers, develop small dealers, etc. And, although in our Civil Code there is a ban on spouses or relatives working directly under or as subordinates, in our case the boss said that this tandem will only benefit the business.. My husband and I sat in the office of different departments, but during this period we often went on business trips together. And our partners, owners, directors of companies came to visit us. We have become friends with many, but due to certain circumstances, not everyone has managed to maintain friendship now. And when is it better for spouses not to work together? In general, people themselves know the answer to this question very well and feel that they do not want to work together under any circumstances. Our colleague, Leonid Yuryevich Kruchinin, said this well: In a specific family business such as a tavern-hotel along the road, it is good to work as a whole family if there is trust and tolerance. But in most families, work is just an outlet where personal boundaries that are violated in the family are restored. I agree with Leonid. But, I think, we are not necessarily talking about violations of boundaries in the family, but, for example, spouses want to have time to miss each other, do not want to “bring work home,” or they are both leaders, and it will be difficult for them to work together. I will give an example. We once hired an engineer. Some time passed, he came and said: “I am a deeply married man. Work for me is an outlet. In fact, they also promised me business trips.” We kept our promise, sent him on business trips, which he went on as if on a holiday.... He saved his marriage. It is impossible to ignore such a topic as novels at work. I have already given one example above. But there were quite a few of them, usually in cases where only one of the spouses worked in the company. Young, hot. They fell in love, got divorced, got married, most often men, but women too. So work “took apart” some people. But at the same time, many marriages survived. The point is still what kind of relationship the spouses have, how strong the marriage is. And when it came to free people, no problems arose, except that the newlyweds (or couple) were “divorced”!