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From the author: it would be interesting to know the opinion of specialists who use these techniques in their work. How it happens... Liberation, cleansing of accumulated tension in the body, negative suppressed emotions through the explosion of the latter and splashing out. Reaction, as they also call it... At the same time, few people are interested in what the very “outside” into which everything is spilling out thinks about this. We proceed from the idea that it is soulless and dead and is capable of accepting all the dirt that we have accumulated. Apparently, a person who throws out garbage bags in the forest and sets up a landfill behind the fence of his home thinks the same thing and therefore behaves in a completely similar way. at home, assuming that this territory is empty, “nobody’s” and therefore will endure everything and, most importantly, no one will punish for this, and you can always come to an agreement with your conscience. However, often specialists who use, as they believe, cathartic in their work approach and, undoubtedly, having a lot of “positive” results in the states of their clients, are little aware of what happens next with the emotional “waste”, which, once released into the environment - i.e. into the causal body, for example, of the client, which is much broader than the state of here-and-now (see the structure of the seven bodies), they sprout vigorously there and then return to the person in the most unpleasant way for him. The law works here - what you sow is what you reap and you should not assume that by sowing hemp and quinoa you will grow a grape harvest. In fact, in my experience, I observed the events of the life of a client who underwent training using cathartic methods from a fairly well-known trainer, where liberation came from accumulated anger through screaming, through active meditation, etc. .d. After returning home from training, the client's upstairs neighbors flooded her home, she was involved in a fight in her apartment, and is currently facing criminal charges. The words are attributed to Jesus: “It doesn’t matter what goes into a person, the main thing is what comes out of him...” Living in the world and contacting it, a person allows various energies into himself. And with the inability to control himself and them, he declares - “this infuriates me..”, “I can’t help myself”, folding his hands and taking responsibility for his actions. However, if this person does not control himself, then he MUST BE control by someone else, and these “someones” around are quite sufficient in many manifestations of the “thin” and “thick” worlds. However, a person with consciousness and will has an amazing property - the ability to transform and transform the energy of raw emotions into higher states. Unfortunately, it is rarely developed right away, and most often this skill needs to be specially learned. Only this is not done by the method of splashing out these emotions into the outside world, as most often happens, and in this case the situation on the street differs from the training contextual “permission to respond”, but by their processing, change - in the techniques and methods of internal work, the experience of which has been sufficiently accumulated .Catharsis, by the way, was initially described as a phenomenon that purifies and liberates the Soul THROUGH suffering or THROUGH highly aesthetic (spiritual) experiences, but not as a simple outburst of accumulated anger and discontent. A trainer who uses catharsis methods in his work, according to Apparently, it is NECESSARY to understand the subtle connections of all plans of human existence and imagine, foresee the possible consequences of your work wider than just “in the here-and-now”, as well as have sufficient strength and ability to transform in this case the energy of the cathartic group with your field and methods group and individual appointments. Otherwise, after his departure to his homeland, very strange events will occur among the participants of the past training, which seem unrelated to the past training only at first glance, but in fact, being an ABSOLUTELY natural consequence of the “clogging” of the outer layers of a person’s life with “stagnant”.