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Years pass, and sooner or later a person realizes that he is getting old. This thought haunts most people, because old age is always associated with powerlessness, illness, loneliness, loss of opportunities and resources. Life can be divided into four main periods: childhood, adolescence, youth and old age. The transition between these stages is smooth, gradual, and therefore almost imperceptible to the person himself. We also age unnoticed, and youth is the best time to plan and prepare for old age. Psychological attitude. The quality of life largely depends on the internal state. The way we feel affects our physical health. Old age is the final stage of life, which, despite its essence, has a lot of advantages. The complexes, fears, and phobias that in your youth prevented you from living and moving forward become irrelevant. If you have not gotten rid of negative thoughts at 30, then 60 is the time to forget about old grievances, envy, and hatred. Just think about what you are willing to spend the remaining years of your life on and make the right choice. To enter old age with optimism, you need to lay the foundation of good psychological health in your younger years. Fatigue, burnout, loss of interest, apathy, limitations and blocks are all signs of problems at the mental level that need to be dealt with immediately. Elderly people often live in constant depression, not realizing that it could be different. The right environment. Get rid of toxic people in your life, and then in old age you will form a small but reliable environment that will not allow you to slide into the pit of depression and will provide the necessary resource and energy. Physical health. By old age, all chronic ailments become more active, so the main thing is to prevent the occurrence of these diseases in youth. Starting at the age of 30, pay attention to proper nutrition, get enough physical activity, regularly visit your doctor and get timely treatment if the need arises. There are no absolutely healthy people, but you should always strive for this and “keep your finger on the pulse” in terms of your health. Plans for old age. Plan your time and spend it on satisfying your true desires, because there will be no other chance. Stick to a routine and develop self-discipline. In old age, daily rituals and healthy habits that give energy and a good mood become especially important. Socialization. Loneliness is detrimental to the psyche, even at a young age. Think in advance what you want to do when you get old. Some people attend hobby clubs, others do business, and still others go traveling. Even introverts need to go out in public periodically, so don’t give up going to the movies, the theater, or socializing in pleasant company. An aging person is not the one whom grandchildren begin to call grandma or grandfather, but the one who feels like that himself. While we are young at heart, we continue to enjoy life. Old age is not a reason to limit yourself. On the contrary, this is a time for new discoveries and achievements..