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M Ikigai is a philosophy of happiness in Japanese. Ikigai is a feeling, an awareness of one’s own purpose in life. “Ikigai is what you wake up for in the morning.” Ikigai helps to find joy, satisfaction, awareness in all matters every day and helps to prolong health and life. This is a state of harmony when a person feels that he is doing what he loves, which brings him joy, pleasure and income, and also benefits other people. This is a search for purpose, the meaning of life and calling. Japan is a country of long-livers. What is the secret of their longevity? A large number of centenarians live on the Japanese island of Okinawa. It is believed that the reason for longevity and happiness is not only healthy nutrition, fresh air, and a favorable climate. Its special feature is ikigai. How to achieve ikigai? There are five principles of Ikigai: Start small. Always go towards your goal, starting with small steps, gradually, without overloading your nervous system. Bring your idea to life, don’t sit still, move forward. See value in all matters, no matter how important or small. Free yourself from everything that deprives you of inner harmony. From social prejudices, stereotypes, labels, negative emotions, fears. Live by your own rules. Free yourself from complexes, suffering, unloved work, Find harmony and stability. For a happy life, a person needs balance, stability in life. Remember about responsibility and harmony with yourself and the world around you. If you are in conflict with something or someone, then you will not achieve harmony. This means that something needs to change. Enjoy the little things. Everyone has their own joys that push them to move on. Finding joy in life, noticing joy in everything that comes our way throughout the day. Enjoy everything that surrounds us. This will fill our day with pleasure, happiness, peace. After all, our life consists of small little things, when our souls are light and warm. And positive emotions are good for health. Being here and now. Always be in the moment. Live in the present, do not think or regret what has passed, what did not happen, but live now, in this moment. Ikigai teaches that the only time to which all our thoughts and emotions should be devoted is the present. The principles of Ikigai do not seem complicated, even very simple. But you need to adhere to them every day, constantly. Compliance with the principles of Ikigai gives us satisfaction and joy, peace of mind, because we feel that everything we do has meaning and confidence that it was not done in vain. Such a person does not know what depression is, because he is constantly busy doing what he loves, and he has no time for empty thoughts. Learning to live by these simple rules is not an easy task. In order to find your ikigai, you need to answer four questions: What do I like to do? It should be something that you like, that brings pleasure, joy, that inspires and motivates you. What do I do best. Determine what you are doing better than others, what do you want to do next, in what direction do you want to develop. What can I give to others? This is the feeling that people need your work, that you are in demand, that they need you. That your work benefits others. How can I make good money? Understand whether this business will bring good income. Everyone can find their ikigai. It’s not always easy and it doesn’t work out right away. Ikigai lives inside each of us, but not everyone has found it or discovered it. Finding it requires patience and perseverance. This is a new way of thinking that has a positive impact on physical and mental health. Develops the skill of awareness and improves our lives. If a person manages to find his true purpose, his life is filled with meaning, joy, energy, harmony. The quality of life improves, and the duration -!