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From a certain age, I began to clearly distinguish between genuine and artificial female sexuality in my perception. And I began to periodically be surprised at how big the difference between them could be. After all, modern women sometimes have too much artificiality. Some women have so much silicone that I personally have the feeling that they are, in essence, the same sex dolls that are freely sold on Avito... But this, of course, is extreme. And I’m not into such options. And about the trend itself. And for the women themselves, who may not understand that the artificial can replace the genuine only at the first stage, at the moment of attracting attention. And then... And don’t just think that I’m against makeup, beautiful clothes, high-heeled shoes and other things. It's all very nice. It touches and pleases. But the very tendency to appear sexy, but not to be... This is not real sexuality, but its imitation, appearance. And the difference shouldn't be very big. After all, when it comes to bed, to real, not virtual sex, then you will have to answer for this “bazaar”, for these external “show-offs”. And many women, alas, have nothing to answer at the stage of real sex. Behind the beautiful, bright wrapper, a man does not see the equally delicious candy... I testify that many female models are surprisingly cold and primitive in bed... Disappointment is inevitable... And that’s why then these women are indignant: before the first bed, he was from me crazy, and then somehow suddenly suddenly cooled off? And how could he exchange me for this ugly girl, because she is not as beautiful as me? But this simple and not bright “ugly girl” in bed could turn out to be a goddess. After all, it’s true... And most importantly, it’s real, not artificial! Genuine sexuality is expensive. I think that many women who are good at creating an imitation of sexuality are fully or partially aware that a man will definitely be disappointed after the start of a sexual relationship. And that's why they talk so much about love at the beginning of a relationship. It is important for them to be loved first, and only then, after the man has shown and proven that he loves, does the transition to sex occur. This is such a cunning female trap. After all, indeed, a man is still proving to a woman that he loves her and can sincerely believe it himself. The phenomenon of self-hypnosis arises. And loyalty to your own obligations. And it’s hard to give up something that was so difficult for you. Then a man will most likely more easily go through the stage of disappointment in a woman’s true sexuality. And he won’t leave after he vaguely feels or clearly realizes that his own eyes have deceived him... At least he won’t leave right away... And then, you see, something else will hold him back... So, Artificial love arises on the basis of suggestion and self-hypnosis. But if external and genuine sexuality really coincide, if a man in bed receives what his eyes saw and anticipated at the first stage, then he will never leave such a woman. And if true sexuality turned out to be even cooler than external sexuality, then even more so... What is the result? Dear women, can you distribute your efforts more rationally and devote at least as much time to your true sexuality as to your external one? Or even more. After all, sexual disappointment has never been a good start for a long and prosperous relationship between a man and a woman.