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Image medicine. Image medicine is the oldest treatment method of Chinese alternative medicine. It was discovered by the legendary healer and healer of China - Bien Chue, who today is revered in China as a Saint. Bien Chue used medicinal decoctions, acupuncture and cauterization, rubbing with heated medicines in his practice. He was also a famous surgeon, pediatrician, and specialist in women's diseases. He is considered the founder of pulsology. Bien Chue saw the internal organs of patients and could determine the nature of the disease based on the resulting mental image. Today, the Bien Chue school is being revived in China and spreading throughout the world, thanks to the founder of the modern Zhong Yuan Qigong system - Master S. Mingtang. In 2006, S. Mingtang opened the Kundavel Medical Research Institute in Beijing, where the research and treatment of serious and incurable diseases by modern medicine is carried out. Thanks to the activities of the institute, hundreds of people who have lost hope of getting rid of a terrible illness are living a full life today. Both traditional and non-traditional Chinese medicine views the human body as a whole. All organs within the body are connected to each other through energy channels. And the places where the channels reach the surface of the body are biologically active points (BAP). There is probably no person currently who does not know about such an effective method of treating many diseases as acupuncture. Energy channels in their structure correspond to the system of blood vessels. Energy moves through the vessels along with the blood. This is nutritious energy. Another type of energy moves outside the vessels, protecting them. Blood, according to Chinese medicine, moves due to the movement of energy. Where energy channels are blocked, blood stagnation occurs. The cause of any disease, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, is an imbalance of Yin and Yang energy in the body, as well as improper interaction between organs. This disorder can be caused by both external pathogenic factors and internal ones. The image medicine method is based on the laws of energy movement. One of them: energy moves with attention. The other is that energy moves from more to less. The healer forms the correct image of a healthy organ and places it inside the body. With the help of an image (and manual manipulation, in particular Chinese massage techniques), the healer directs the energy flow to the place where its deficiency is detected. It also removes negative energy and energy blocks from the patient’s body. The image therapist (healer) also affects the physical components of the body. Thanks to its actions, stones and sand come out of the body, and organs restore themselves through regeneration. The success of treatment depends on the healer’s ability to concentrate and the amount of energy he himself has. An important factor is the level of De. With the help of image medicine, it is possible to cure any chronic diseases of internal organs, solve infertility problems, get rid of a common illness today - intervertebral hernia (without surgery), recover from a heart attack, stroke, etc. Today, energy practices of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system are a good way to prevent diseases. Having mastered the exercises of this system, it is also possible to restore your body and get rid of many diseases.