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“..If self-esteem has been low all your life, how can you make it adequate from scratch, from nothing to what? .So I’m wondering, how do other people cope with all this?..” I’m often asked: “Who needs psychology, who applies, can psychology really help, etc.?” Most people don’t need psychology; they think it’s all empty. But! Most people, especially in our country, do not live beyond a certain age, they survive. In official texts this is called “Survival Age”. People complain, get sick, blame anyone (friends, family, children, government, God, etc.). This is the lot of people who have stopped in their development in their youth (recent studies show that this happens around the age of 16, then people gain experience or theoretical knowledge). This refers to spiritual development. And in order to feel comfortable, people begin to build up social masks, material wealth, and their own importance (in the eyes of society, from their point of view, for example, these are just ordinary people: if you have a mink coat, it’s significant, a car of a certain brand increases your status, etc. for the more educated - an academic degree, printed articles, orders, etc.) Therefore, many people are lonely in old age (meaning emotional and psychological loneliness), since all these attributes of social success are short-lived! A person retires and is “written off”, the children grow up and the mother becomes no longer needed in that “performance as she was”, on the contrary, her care burdens her, beauty goes away and the actress is no longer invited to the main roles of heroine-lovers, new scripts are not are written and the screenwriter is quickly forgotten, etc. and so on. Social attributes of success give a feeling of significance, increase self-esteem, and most importantly strengthen the basic psychological need that a person needs against his daily bread 90% - SELF-VALUES. But such artificial strengthening is self-deception, it is false, because with the loss of a social mask, self-worth “flies into the abyss,” and it is more difficult to maintain masks every year (as one of my clients said: “the glue dries up”) SELF-WORTH is received by every person at conception from GOD. Every person, ALL people are VALUABLE, regardless of clan, tribe and environment of birth. We are all children of the UNIVERSE, ideal, unrepeatable, unique and for this reason VALUABLE. Society, parents first of all, create an “Image of Self” around a person (a lot of material can be found on this subject). And the education system is built on comparison, evaluation and constant example (which often first gives rise to resentment, “... why does my mother always give me an example of my older brother, or a smart neighbor, or a movie hero, I’m also great, then anger and finally, ENVY) And envy is not a constructive feeling, it devalues ​​a person, increases ambition and does not provide the opportunity to grow spiritually. Please note that people of science, teachers and creative individuals - artists, musicians, etc. - live longer and retain their “FACE” because their life activity is spiritual in content. These people do their job and...grow spiritually, on a subtle level, so after they retire they “don’t lose themselves.” It happens, of course, in all sorts of ways, but more often than not, that’s how it is. To be continued.