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From the author: There are phrases that paralyze from the inside and confuse the mind, mixing reality and fantasy, depriving one of vitality. If the core of the psyche is “broken,” then they are perceived by a person literally. They settle in it like a worm and eat the Soul and flesh, literally depriving them of physical health. These words and phrases turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, unfolding into the drama of life. When a mother becomes a “witch”... Do you think that this doesn’t happen? Sitting in front of me woman, 45 years old: - I didn’t tell anyone about this, because it’s hard to believe... My mother cursed me. I was 22 years old when I decided to leave my husband. And my mother was categorically against it. But I was adamant in my decision. In a fit of uncontrollable anger, she cut all my clothes that were in the wardrobe and threw the phrase in my face: “If you get divorced now, you will hang around alone, like a blade of grass in a field. Now, remember my words!” I divorced my husband and tried not to remember this episode, but now I return to it more and more often. And how can you guess that not everything is in order with my personal life..." (history of alcoholism) In the eyes of this woman one could read the inevitability of a fulfilled prophecy... And we have painstaking joint work ahead of us. We don’t yet know what will come of this , but she had at least some chance to remove the “spell” of witchcraft. In my practice, I come across similar stories. So what happened? There are phrases that paralyze from the inside and confuse consciousness, mixing reality and fantasy, depriving them of vitality If the core of the psyche is “broken,” then they are perceived by a person literally. They settle in him like a worm and eat the Soul and flesh, literally depriving him of physical health. These words and phrases turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, unfolding into the drama of life. There are families where manipulations are covered up. the piety of their mothers. They do not tolerate objections, persistently instructing on the true path with the words: “You should not be angry with me, I pray so much for you. This is me begging you before the Lord God. You don't appreciate this. God doesn’t forgive for maternal suffering!” or “You got sick because you didn’t listen to me and left! I knew that this would all end" (history of breast cancer) Listen to these words... What happens in the mother’s psyche when she mixes mysticism and divine involvement into her phrases. Such Archetypal images are difficult to resist even for a mature human psyche, I don’t I’m already talking about the child. These phrases of the mother pursue one single goal - to break resistance and suppress the will of a person, guiding him on the true path and only for his good. So widespread fears - making a mistake, making an independent decision originate from here. Our indecision and anxiety in adulthood can take away our strength. But do caring mothers understand what terrible and sticky fear they instill in the hearts of their children? Words, like spells, dismember the child’s immature psyche. He cannot understand and rethink his mother’s “nonsense.” Grown up “enchanted”, “cursed” children... They live nearby, and much closer than you can even imagine... I look into her eyes, full of horror and pain... despair and hope.