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From the author: “The serious problems we have cannot be solved at the level of thinking at which we created them.” A. Einstein. Of course, uncertainty gets in the way, although a person can avoid his problem, and it certainly won’t leave its owner alone! What people have come up with to combat it! Here are ineffective ways to deal with uncertainty: 1. One of the most common methods today is to attend one-day, energy-pumping seminars and courses on motivation and confidence development, where you are told that you need to start thinking positively and success is guaranteed. They tell you: “Be positive, look at the world with optimism! Be cheerful!” What kind of positivity is there when you don’t want to look at anyone? This does not work! No matter how a person instills confidence and success in himself, the underlying problem remains, and sooner or later it will break out anyway; After such seminars, many clients begin to become even more disappointed in themselves because their expectations were not met. They often say: “Yeah, we had fun. What next? Everything returned to its place, and so did my insecurities.”2. They begin to create an external gloss: expensive clothes, shoes, jewelry, cars that attract attention with their price and appearance. Have you met fashionable ladies hung with all kinds of jewelry? Couture clothes and other tinsel gives a feeling of confidence. But only a feeling. But try to remove this from them and the uncertainty will come out.3. Excessive passion for beauty salons, when behind the mass of various procedures it is impossible to discern the “true” face; “Make your eyes wider, your lips plumper, your nails longer.” Is it scary to be yourself? There it is again, my self-esteem.4. Following fashion and lack of personal taste in choice; We look at fashion magazines and copy other people's tastes, sometimes thoughtlessly - whether it works or not. “This is fashionable! So it’s beautiful!” Where is the individuality? Hid...5. Visiting temples “because it’s necessary.” Who needs? God still sees lies.6. They look for authorities to live by their opinions; “Tell me, dear Ivan Ivanovich, what should I do?” Uncertainty pushes you to look for answers outside, because it’s scary to make decisions yourself.7. They are looking for fame, recognition, power - to be visible; Have you seen how our politicians are striving for power? Power gives a feeling of power over others and imaginary freedom. Of course, those who do not have power over themselves seek power over others. Have you ever met an insecure man who recklessly bosses his wife around? And at the same time, the man looks so confident in the eyes of other people! Power and anger compensate for underlying insecurities.8. They follow crazy diets: “I’m fat, I’m thin; My hips are wide and narrow.” This mainly affects women. And the reason? The reason is banal - “He will love me more if I’m slim.” It won’t, believe me, because inside you are not confident in your uniqueness and beauty. No, of course, many women monitor their health, eat right - in this case, they also monitor their weight. But this is out of self-love.9. Old “uncles” marry young girls, and older ladies choose young men for themselves; old “uncles” want to prove to themselves that they are still “WOW” and that death is far away... Because they are not sure..10. They choose professions not those they like, but those that are prestigious and popular; In this case, profession and work serve as one of the most “reliable” ways to hide from problems. 11. They are engaged in accumulating material wealth. “I’ll have a lot of money, I’ll buy a car, an apartment and she’ll love me,” the young people reason. And they deceive themselves, because those who, in principle, do not need love, fall into these traps, they would like more money. And such men subsequently become disappointed. Or a girl sits and dreams: “Where can I find a rich groom?” For what? She is not confident in herself - she thinks that she cannot earn as much as she needs on her own. This, dear readers, is nothing more than self-deception: people