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Life script.Have you ever wondered why this or that event happens in your life? Why do you walk in a circle and can’t get out of it? This is how your life scenario manifests itself. Its basis is the decisions made in childhood. A small child remembers what is happening around him, experiences his feelings, forms his own decisions, which are then deposited in his psyche. These decisions form the framework of the scenario. Growing up, a person lives by it. Most often, the script is activated in a situation of severe stress, when you do not control the situation, it is easily triggered. You begin to behave in it the way you did in childhood. The script of life is always written by a child! It works like a program, you want to do something, and it guides you in its own way. Why? Because the framework of the script is written by a child before the age of 2, and by the age of 6 it is fully formed. If we consider that until the age of 3, a child’s thinking is irrational and not subject to logic, then what conscious decisions can we make at this age? However, the decisions of a young child can often be fatal. For example, during pregnancy there could be a bad relationship in the family, the child begins to blame himself for this. When he is born, he may decide to become inconspicuous and quiet, justifying the right to life that he has. Someone may decide that they don’t want to live, so as not to interfere. The life scenario is influenced by everything: The pregnancy period - how the pregnancy went, how desired it was, what feelings were experienced in the family (including aunts, uncles, grandmothers, etc.). Childbirth - how it took place, naturally or by caesarean section, were there any complications, how long did it last, etc. Childhood - the scenario is based on parental instructions, one’s own childhood experience and the negative emotions that the baby experiences. Negative emotions are recorded in the child, on the basis of which he forms beliefs and makes decisions. But what the child reproduces is not always his; it is often the parent’s. A parent is like God to a child; everything the parent says and does is considered the absolute truth. The child can accept the parents’ feelings inside himself, consider them true and live according to the decision made. Therefore, growing up, we sometimes behave like our parents. Generational decisions can influence the life scenario. Important decisions made by one of your ancestors can run like a red thread through other generations. They are more complicated than the decisions of the child himself, but he has the right to cancel them. To fulfill your destiny, you need to become yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to become who you want. Any of our sessions with a client leads to the fact that we cancel previously made decisions and create new ones that are most suitable for us today. Sometimes even a small solution can help you find the original problem and take a step towards a happier you..