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Alcohol addiction develops less noticeably than drug addiction, especially if the body is still young and working well. However, such an addiction cannot be called harmless. If you find that your daughter, wife, sister is abusing alcohol, you need urgent help. In order to recognize drunkenness, pay attention to whether she has similar symptoms:• general: drinking more than 1 liter of drink per day• aggressiveness and irritability when sober• frequent headaches, sleep problems;• external symptoms of beer alcoholism in women include: puffiness of the face, wrinkles, bluish lips, disproportionately thin legs, lethargy, drowsiness; Consequences of female alcoholism: Of course, physiological ones pay special attention problems: diseases of the nervous system • decreased reproductive functions • problems with the kidneys, liver, heart • constant headaches; Psychological symptoms of alcoholism in women: depression, tearfulness, moodiness, decreased maternal instinct and reluctance to care for the family. Denial of the disease Of course, a woman does not start drinking right away for a long time and in large quantities. This happens incrementally, so it is difficult to track this process if no one intervenes in the early stages and prevents the abuse. Moreover, for some time a woman can maintain her family roles as mother, wife or daughter. Historically, a woman has more responsibilities than a man, so she keeps herself in good shape longer, so to speak. But addiction develops according to its own laws if a person continues to maintain the addiction. Then, when the addiction becomes noticeable, parents, husbands, and children openly admit it, quite a lot of time passes and it becomes more difficult for a woman to stop drinking on her own. There is no motivation, no understanding why, no awareness that this is a disease. The fact is that alcoholics tend to deny their illness - “everything is fine with me,” shift responsibility “it’s your fault” and provoke “yes, I drink, so what, “I’m an adult” and manipulate “everyone drinks, why can’t I.” These are all symptoms of the presence of an illness. Lack of sanity and control over the life situation. At the same time, it is obvious to those close to her that the woman continues to suffer from alcoholism. Perhaps she already has some losses due to this lifestyle - not studying/expelled, husband left, fired from work or close to it, health problems, etc. The question clearly arises of how to save her from alcoholism if she rejects help and continues to want to drink. Helping in such a situation is very difficult, but it’s real. If there are close and loving people nearby, but of course love alone is not enough. Is there a person among your family members with whom the drinker has a good, trusting relationship, even if it is now damaged, but there must be such a person. Perhaps this is your son, her brother, or father (for a girl, the father’s opinion and his acceptance are very often important).🚩But under no circumstances should you involve a person in the intervention who can cause tension or aggression due to long-standing differences. Let this person begin to communicate more with her, actively contact her, try to open her eyes to the disease or convince her to go to the hospital for treatment. If the method of love and trust does not work, you should move on to family intervention, that is, gradually create a crisis for addiction so that you can start using uncomfortable at least from the outside. Convince the woman to go to a specialist, preferably a narcologist, and then to a psychologist and get advice on what to do next. Bring up the topic that “your drinking is a problem, it’s bothering everyone and it’s obviously causing you harm, you know what I’m saying?” " No I do not understand!" “Let's be honest with each other! Lately, we have been talking about this more and more often - I think it is important to consult with specialists” “- You need it - you get treatment.” "I'm sure we both need it, you don't need to resist,.