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- Masha, gather my managers for a meeting.- By intercom?- No, through Odnoklassniki. It will be faster this way! Everyone who has free access to the Internet knows that this infection is worse than seeds. Especially if it is accessed from a work computer. Especially if you have some business waiting for you at this time. Especially if this matter is routine, boring or... very important. ICQ, social networks, blogs, games, porn sites, news and... you never know what interesting things can be found in this endless information ocean. But aren't we drifting too far from reality? Internet? No problem! - And they sat a little more, then a little more, and then a little more, and a little more until, alas, there was nothing left at all. M/f “Winnie the Pooh is coming to visit.” If previously the problem was connecting to the Internet, now for many the problem is being disconnected. How can you switch off when there is so much interesting, important, and pleasant stuff out there? Moreover, now, when most users are on a dedicated line, this “everything” costs almost nothing (or absolutely nothing, at the expense of the employer :) And when you cannot tear yourself away from the Internet, and without a computer you begin to worry whether the letter has arrived, Anticipate future battles on virtual battlefields, and even feel sad, you can be sure that you are online! For the first time, people started talking about the fact that the Internet can cause psychological addiction in the mid-90s. Then, in 1996, psychology professor Kimberly S. Young developed a simple test that allows you to determine whether you are an Internet addict: Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet (do you think about previous online sessions and anticipate future ones)? Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet? and do you need to increase your time online? Have you tried unsuccessfully to control, limit or stop your Internet use? Do you feel tired, depressed or irritated when you try to limit or stop your Internet use? Are you online more, than expected?Have you ever risked problems at work, school, or in your personal life because of the Internet?Have you ever lied to family members, colleagues, or others to hide the time you spent online?Do you use the Internet in order to escape from problems or from a bad mood (for example, from feelings of helplessness, guilt, irritation or depression)? A person is considered an Internet addict if five or more positive answers to these questions. But even if you only have one or two positive answers, you should take care that there aren’t more of them. Save, I’m hanging out! - Hey, you bird, fly with me, there’s so much delicious stuff!.. M/f “Wings, Legs” and tails." Why is the Internet so addictive? It's simple: “Bread and circuses!” – Little has changed since the Roman Empire. The Internet gives unlimited access to almost any “spectacle”, including prohibited ones. In addition, meeting and communicating via the Internet is much easier than in the real world. Anonymity, lack of obligations and freedom of expression make dating sites, social networks and chat rooms so popular. Cybersex does not threaten sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancy and family ties. The list of attractive “advantages” of the Internet can be continued for a long time, but the most important advantage (which few dare to admit even to themselves) is the opportunity to hide from life with its difficulties. The Internet is a great way to escape the anxiety that comes with doing things in the real world. After all, real business always involves a real risk of failure. And the risk is higher, the more significant the matter. That is why we often go into the virtual world not because we have nothing to do, but in order not to deal with the main thing in our lives. Of course, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne, but they don’t lose, right? Unless you consider the train of your opportunities to be a loss. What to do? -... From such a stupid pastime the shorty!