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From the author: more useful materials in the workshop www.treningi.meHow to stop time? Mindfulness practice. Yesterday I returned from the outskirts of Marmaris. When I visit Turkey, I am always surprised and delighted by this phenomenon. Those who have been to eastern countries know that at a certain time of the day the settlement is filled with the singing of the mullah and the time for prayer begins. At these moments, believers take out their rugs, kneel down and begin to pray, right where the mullah’s singing found them, on the street, in a store. The surroundings of Marmaris seemed to me similar to European cities, people there are not so emotional and more secular than in others places in Turkey (for example, unlike the Antalya coast, no one will shout loudly, drag you by the hand to look at trinkets, bargain with inspiration). When the time for prayer comes, no one closes shops, people do not take out rugs. But at this moment you feel how they immerse themselves in themselves, find themselves somewhere else, their own space. A few minutes - and people return somehow more joyful, lighter, renewed, deeper. We all really need this kind of practice. Spend a few minutes with yourself and feel the world around you. All day long we are running somewhere, worrying, worrying, planning, remembering, not having time, fussing, wasting our vital energy. But what if we could do the same, at certain hours, every day, at least in the morning and evening or at lunchtime?” stop time"? Try it and feel how your reality changes, awareness comes, contact with yourself, with the world appears, a taste for life appears. Many call this meditation and consider it a matter of extreme complexity and careful preparation. But living in awareness is not at all difficult, this is the natural state of a person , the reality of which is not clogged with unnecessary trash and “urgent” matters. Let’s try it right now? This practice allows you to improve contact with yourself and the world, cleanse yourself of negativity, anxiety, and improve your health by gaining contact with your body. It is possible both through prayer and other methods. Carlos Castaneda wrote about awareness, calling it magical attention, which reveals the Power of a person. There are three steps to go through on the path to awareness. And not just pass, but immerse yourself in the practice, give it your whole being. So, we decide what time we will do this practice and set an alarm clock with pleasant music for this time. At first, we do the practice for 3 to 10 minutes, no more. The first step is awareness of your condition. You must direct your attention inward, to your state, to feel it. Feel what you feel. Turn your attention first to your bodily sensations, then to your feelings, then pay attention to your desires at a given moment in time. It’s very simple, you just need to honestly tell yourself what you sense, feel and what you want. By observing your bodily state, over time you will be able to better feel your body, what is useful for it and what is not, how best to help it, how to take care of it. If you feel pain, energy, excitement, joy, anger or irritation, begin to be aware, observe their. Don't participate, just observe and state the fact, then you don't give anger or irritation power, but they don't have their own energy. Without replenishment, they dissolve and leave. Just watch quietly, don't identify with them. Realizing your state, observing it, you cleanse yourself, recognizing your emotions and your desires - you accept. Accepting "as is" gives you purification. Over time, negative emotions will begin to visit you less and less and will soon almost disappear from your internal state. All negative emotions come from the mind - the ego, but you are not the mind, these are not your emotions, you are an observer. By observing your desires, you will be able over time to distinguish false goals and desires imposed on you from the voice of your soul. When awareness of internal states becomes familiar to you,.