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Stress awaits us in the most unexpected places and at the most unexpected times. Something needs to be done about this. After all, we can’t always afford to let off steam and kick the pillow! To begin with, let's remember that stress is OUR reaction to certain events. And this means that the same event is stressful for some, but will pass unnoticed for others. The second thing we need to remember is that anger (which is the basis of other strong emotions under stress) is a NATURAL human reaction. There is an instinct in us - when faced with danger, we choose a reaction - to run or attack. Both require an impulse, which is provided by the powerful emotion of anger. Very often (especially in women, since we are more emotional creatures) strong emotions manifest themselves as uncontrollable reactions of the body. But we are free to choose how our emotions, including negative ones, will be expressed. Of course, we need to work on adequately expressing our emotional state to the world so that the people around us are not afraid of us. And today I offer several ideas that will help you quickly calm down in a stressful situation. The first is breathing. During a stressful situation, breathing changes - the inhalation becomes longer than the exhalation. This happens because the brain needs more oxygen. If you increase the length of your exhalation, your condition will change. So, in a difficult situation, take a few deep breaths and long exhalations. When you exhale long, you convince the body that the stress is going away. You need to breathe with your stomach, feeling how it protrudes when you inhale and falls when you exhale. As you inhale, you can say the word “inhale” to yourself. When exhaling – “exhale”. Another tool for influencing the state of the body is the hands. In a stressful situation, they involuntarily clench into fists. This happens instinctively, regardless of mental intentions - the body is preparing for battle! And in order to convince the body, we need not to clench our palms into fists, but rather straighten them, with our fingers sticking out! When, when a conflict arises, you feel that you are losing your sense of peace, then immediately try to straighten your palms. And ideally, also walk barefoot so that your toes also relax. A great option to get rid of stress is physical activity. Take a brisk walk, or run up the stairs (useful in any case). It’s no secret that alcohol and chocolate remain working (but controversial for many) ways of getting rid of stress (mainly for women). The main thing here is moderation. If you are ready to stop at 100 grams of dry red or 50 grams of black bitter, that’s perfectly acceptable. If you have a well-developed visualization skill, pictures (real and in your head) will help you. Hang a picture above your desktop that evokes bright positive emotions in you and, in a stressful situation, look at it carefully, imagining that you are there right now. If the real picture is impossible to look at, keep it in your head. All of the above methods, with some self-organization skills, really allow you to get rid of a stressful state in a couple of minutes. And you can calmly listen to the end of your boss, client, husband, wife, make an important decision and smile... Breathe, kick pillows, run up the stairs... And be healthy!