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From the author: One cannot but agree that most women dream of a man who actively takes initiative in relationships. Should we expect it from a man? One cannot but agree that most women dream of a man who actively takes the initiative in a relationship. Should we expect it from a man? Women constantly expect active actions in love relationships from men, relying on their determination, while taking a passive position. This is the biggest misconception of the beautiful half of humanity. For completely inexplicable reasons, the image of a strong man, decisive in his actions and capable of overcoming all the difficulties that arose along the path of life in order to win a woman’s heart, has been fixed in our subconscious. A woman always hopes that that the man will immediately take the initiative into his own hands, begin to shower her with compliments, expensive gifts and do everything to open the door to her heart. Most of us expect exactly this kind of behavior from men, while taking a passive position, believing that only the male half should show their feelings and love. Absolutely right, you need to take care of your feelings. But how to push a man to take decisive action? How much initiative can we expect from a man? Nature has decreed that men are quite persistent and decisive in their actions. They do not see barriers to achieving their goals. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: a woman’s main task is to make a man want to make an effort in a relationship and begin to take the initiative. Women are often mistaken in thinking that a man should desire her at just one glance, because she is so irresistible and unique. Sometimes a hundred glances are not enough to understand and love a person. After all, beauty has no meaning if it is only on the outside, and there is emptiness inside. If it’s just a matter of beauty, then this is not love, but a passion that will quickly pass. What really attracts a man to a woman? Why are men ready to give their lives for some women, while with others they take a passive position? Every person is selfish by nature. And whatever our actions, we always want to get benefits for ourselves, for this we are ready to make sacrifices and pay accordingly. In relationships, everything is similar, people strive to get something in return. A woman wants to feel loved and desired, and a man wants to be sure that he is the only one and the best. These are natural desires that nature has endowed with both halves of humanity. If you give a man a chance to feel like God next to you, then at the slightest imbalance in the relationship he will make every effort to regain the feeling of his own “I” that he experienced next to you. This is what pushes men to show determination, perseverance and initiative. How to intrigue a man? The secret is simple! A woman needs to create such an atmosphere in a relationship so that a man feels like God. Every effort must be made to make him see his superiority. However, this feeling should not drag on, but pass fleetingly. A woman is greatly mistaken in expecting determination and initiative from a man just because she exists. This will happen only if you are lucky enough to penetrate his inner world, fill it with feelings and love, and create a feeling of his uniqueness. It is impossible to artificially create a unique range of these feelings; they must be felt from the inside. And when a man catches this state, he will be ready for anything. Don’t forget, feelings are contagious! A man, being in a state of love, is capable of many actions, sometimes even unconscious. But it is the woman who makes him so. After all, in order for him to fall in love, a woman’s desire and willingness to let him into her inner world, envelop him in love and give him care is necessary. Remember how in fairy tales the princes overcame all the obstacles on their way in search of their beloved. Try to analyzebehavior of heroines. After all, it wasn’t just that the prince rushed to look for Cinderella, and Ivan to save the Frog Princess? Before the heroes had a desire to always be close to their beloved, there was a feeling of falling in love, which, like an arrow, pierces the heart and pushes them to heroic deeds, and sometimes even to death. How to conquer a man? Of course, we women dream that our love will be as beautiful as in a fairy tale? But you must admit that Cinderella in the fairy tale possessed all the feminine character traits that could turn the head of any man - kindness, patience, spiritual purity. But this is not so important among us and now there are many such women, but for some reason not everyone comes across princes. What is the reason for such injustice? It’s simple: Cinderella had only one clearly formulated goal - to get to the ball. She was confident in her desire, and only thanks to this she managed to get into the palace. It is extremely important for every woman to understand her desires and understand what she really wants. If she does not do this, then her life will be like a lost ship that has lost its course and cannot find its way in the vastness of the stormy ocean. Only a clear understanding of her goals leads a woman to the desired result. But there is one more point that needs to be paid attention to. Dancing with Cinderella, the prince was struck not by her appearance, but by the atmosphere of love, tenderness and mutual understanding. The prince felt that he was admired. This struck him on the spot. Surprisingly, the feeling of admiration does not require any action; it comes from the soul and heart. To do this, you don’t need to match a man and try to satisfy his desires. The feeling that he is the best and special is enough for him. Indeed, during the disappearance of Cinderella, the prince, without hesitation, rushed to search for her in order to regain his unique sense of HIMSELF. In another fairy tale, before the youngest son rushed to look for his beloved, the Frog Princess, first he saw not only her beauty, but also what she is capable of. Although these days it is not difficult to find good housewives and jacks of all trades, for some reason not everyone is able to attract men to themselves. The princess gave him something more, she managed to present him in the best light in front of people. The frog princess, thanks to her magical powers, not only showed her concern for him, but also admired him. We all remember how the youngest son was afraid that his choice might not be the best among his brothers. After all, he was already used to being a loser, and the Princess gave him hope. Only thanks to her, he was able to feel his superiority over his brothers and rise in the eyes of his father. He constantly felt weak and disadvantaged, but here he managed to get rid of his complexes and feel proud. He could not help but go in search of his beloved! She gave him a feeling of importance, which he could only maintain in her presence. Therefore, before demanding initiative from a man, understand yourself and try to understand whether you want this man? If you really love and admire your chosen one, then give him the opportunity to feel it. But this feeling should be fleeting, and you too should be in a similar state. Be the first to light the fiery fire of your love! A man will not experience passion for a woman if she herself does not light up with it. If you want the attitude towards you every day to be the same as on the first day you met, then first awaken these feelings in your heart. Be the first to light the fiery fire of your love! After all, feelings are contagious, and if a feeling of desire burns in you, a man will not be able to remain indifferent to it. Women are in vain to believe that men should be the initiators of relationships. And they are waiting for a fairy-tale prince to come who will awaken her feelings and light the fire of love. Of course, life is quite an unpredictable thing, and anything can happen. But we should still remember that before a flame flares up in a man’s heart, he must, at least for a moment, feel like God, next to his beloved. A man is not attracted to a woman/