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How to recognize an eating disorder? Eating disorders, unfortunately, are an integral part of our modern world. Many scientific (and not so scientific) books and articles have been written on this topic, it is covered in fashion magazines, and famous bloggers discuss it. Due to the abundance of information, anyone who tries to understand this topic on their own probably sooner or later asks the question: “How How can I understand whether I have such a problem or not?” To find the answer, first of all, it is important to understand: what, exactly, is healthy eating behavior? After all, knowing the norm, you can detect its violation. Here are a few simple signs: 1) Eating out of hunger During the day, you experience a physiological feeling of hunger, on average 3-5 times a day. You satisfy your hunger, do not put off eating “for later” and do not forget about food at all. Your desire to eat is not dictated by appetite (you felt a delicious smell, saw food that was attractive in appearance). 2) Stop signal: a feeling of fullness During the process of eating, there comes a moment when you realize that you need to stop, and you stop. You do not feel heaviness in your stomach after eating and do not experience discomfort. It doesn’t bother you that there is food left on the plate and you haven’t finished it, even if you are in a restaurant and paid for the dish, or if your grandmother cooked it and she really doesn’t like it when someone doesn’t finish it. 3) You don’t share food into healthy and unhealthy food/Food is just food for you. Your diet is varied, you can adjust it at any time, and you will not feel anxious about it. You are completely indifferent to how much protein, fat and carbohydrates are in the salad; you do not count calories. You do not tie the consumption of certain foods to time - “sweets only before 12:00, and after 18:00 nothing but vegetables.” 4) Eating is a pleasure Not the only pleasure in life, but one of. You are not emotionally attached to food, you do not solve any other needs other than hunger at its expense, but you also do not treat it indifferently, simply mechanically chewing a piece of boiled breast. You are attracted by the sight of food when you eat, the smell, you like to distinguish the taste of dishes. 5) Your body does not bother you You do not associate your weight with your diet. You don't worry if you ate fast food, two pieces of chocolate cake instead of one, or even if you suddenly overate. You don't step on the scale every day. You may love sports and go to the gym, but you don't exhaust yourself with daily physical activity. If you can safely say to each of these points: “Yes, this is about me,” then you have absolutely nothing to worry about - you have healthy eating behavior. If you can confidently agree with only half of the signs, then most likely you should pay more attention to this. If you are ready to start working with a psychologist, but it is important for you to first get to know each other and ask questions, then you can take advantage of a free consultation (25 minutes ). +7(903)086-54-28 (WhatsApp, Telegram)