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From the author: Notes from an engineering psychologist about the possible near future. In cult science fiction novels, such as “A Space Odyssey” by Arthur C. Clarke or “Aurora” by Kim Stanley Robinson, the heroes of an interplanetary flight often conduct a dialogue with the ship, or more precisely with the mission’s supercomputer, endowed with artificial intelligence and recursive programming abilities, as well as improving perceptive and cognitive abilities. Engineers and philosophers agree that sooner or later complex computers with the ability to self-learn based on accumulated experience will not only learn to recognize human emotions and predict his thoughts, but will themselves develop emotions such as fear, hatred, love , envy. Perhaps these machines will eventually become susceptible to normal human mental disorders, such as HAL 9000 in Stanley Kubrick's film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Currently, scientists and engineers are just beginning to experiment with the interaction of humans and social robots endowed with artificial intelligence. intelligence. And this began in the space industry, whose proven technologies often find their “earthly” application. So the first robot astronaut was the Kirobo robot (Japanese: Hope), developed jointly by Dentsu, the research center for advanced science and technology at the University of Tokyo, Robo Garage , Toyota and JAXA. Kirobo served as the robot companion of Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, who carried out his space mission from November 7, 2013 to May 14, 2014. In the summer of 2018, an experimental robot with an animated cartoon face went to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a SpaceX Falcon rocket. He was named Simon (Cimon - Crew Interactive Mobile Companion), that is, a mobile interactive companion of the crew. Simon was developed by Airbus in collaboration with IBM. With its help, researchers want to find out how interactions between astronauts and robots may develop in the future. Meanwhile, on earth, the Swedish startup Furhat Robotics has created a robot - a humanoid head that can imitate a dissatisfied interlocutor, verbally and with facial expressions. It is planned to use this achievement of high technology for training and training salespeople and other first-line employees who have to constantly come into contact with customers and other clients, including dissatisfied ones. In Japan, the social robot Pepper has long been communicating with children at school, and the elderly people while away their evenings with the robot seal Paro. It can be assumed that in the near future we will see how such smart assistants, endowed with artificial intelligence, will greet us at home and at work, accurately determining our emotional state and anticipating our desires, as clearly demonstrated in movie “Her”. And it’s not difficult - a person’s face with his emotions can be digitized (visual identification), and all our thoughts and desires can be easily seen by deciphering our individual digital DNA - you just need to connect the program to all our social networks, mail and search queries . This is how our “Johari Windows” will open. The feature film “Search” is just about this. This is BIG DATA and technology knows about all our obvious and secret desires. And why do we need a psychologist if we can easily select the appropriate mode on a smart companion and chat about the most intimate things? Emotional contact, human warmth and warmth? Don’t you think that in the modern world people have less and less of this, and smart computers have more and more? They know us better than those closest to us. All you have to do is gain access to the data. In the meantime, leading technology corporations are just beginning to accustom us to “smart” speakers... And perhaps soon you will be having completely childish conversations with Alice from Yandex.Station".