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From the author: A child’s temper and stubbornness do not go unnoticed, and you probably feel that this is not affecting you in the most favorable way. What appears next - read the article! How does a child's aggressive behavior affect parents? Of course, the child’s aggressive behavior does not concern him alone. The child’s parents also come under influence. The child’s temper and stubbornness do not go away without a trace, and you probably feel that this is not affecting you in the most favorable way. Warning appears: “I know that I have a good and kind child, but because of these strange outbursts in my head all sorts of bad thoughts creep in”; fatigue: “There’s always some kind of underlying tension at home, there can be shouting and arguing over some little thing, I don’t have enough strength”; irritation or sometimes indignation: “How long can this behavior continue? I don't have enough patience anymore! Well, how can you be nice to him?”; helplessness: “I’ve already tried everything: neither the carrot nor the stick helps. He doesn’t even listen to his father... I’m already reading books and taking advice on forums, everything is like peas against the wall”; fear: “What will he grow up to be? We are not thieves or some kind of homeless people, a normal decent family, where did he get all this from? If this is now, then what will happen in adolescence?”; resentment: “We do everything for him, and such gratitude! You try and try, and it’s all in vain! We already buy him so many things, but it’s not enough for him!”; uncertainty: “In general, everything seems to be fine, but there is no longer a normal sense of confidence and authority in communicating with the child, he does not take anything seriously!”; disappointment: “ Where did that sweet, kind, cheerful little boy I remember so well go to? He was so gentle and sweet, but now he’s rude and nervous...” and finally, despondency: “No matter how hard you try, nothing will help.” Finding yourself in such a variety of feelings and thoughts, you can naturally get confused, lose faith in your abilities and stop acting constructively . It is precisely this influence that the child’s behavior has on the family and, ultimately, on the entire psychological climate in the family. One unconstructive action is layered on top of another: one shouted, another intimidated, a third slapped - and parenting becomes chaotic, inconsistent and ineffective. Thus, parents who raise a child with difficult, sometimes aggressive behavior find themselves in a situation of chronic, sluggish stress. Parents who When faced with the problem of childhood stress, it is important to remember this and take care not only of the child, but also of yourself. Original article "How does a child's aggressive behavior affect parents?" located on the website psycomfort.com.ua