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There are psychologists who really love it when clients cry. For us, this is a sign of a healthy nervous system, a sign of trust and a symptom of recovery. Or defrosting. Or defrosting. It is also important that people hear the opposite: “tears will not help my grief,” “time is the best medicine,” “don’t cry, it will only get worse.” This is how “freezing” of emotions, situations and states occurs. It is important to remember that tears do not always mean weakness, but rather a natural way of expressing emotion and relief. Crying does not at all mean being weak. True, tears are part of the onset of psychological “spring”. Crying and expressing emotions through tears can be a way of releasing internal tension, stress and emotional barriers. Remember, there are tears of joy. When a person cries, he can release accumulated emotions, accept his feelings and see the situation with completely different eyes. In psychology, the process of revitalization, unfreezing or thawing is often associated with the concept of “psychological awakening” or “psychological transformation.” This is the process when a person begins to become aware of his emotions, needs, values ​​and fears, accepts his difficult feelings and begins to work on himself for personal growth and development. To start the process of psychological awakening and thawing in oneself, you can use the following methods: 1. Self-discovery: Start asking yourself questions about your values, beliefs, fears and dreams. Self-knowledge will help you better understand yourself and your needs.2. Working on emotions: Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions. Don't suppress them, but learn to respond adequately to them. This will help you free yourself from internal tension and fears.3. Practice meditation and mindfulness: Regular meditation and mindfulness practice will help you to be more in the present moment, aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment or evaluation. This promotes psychological unfreezing and thawing.4. Communication with a psychologist: if you find it difficult to begin the process of psychological awakening on your own, seek help from a specialist. A professional psychologist will help you understand your emotions, overcome fears and blocks. Starting the process of thawing and psychological awakening within yourself may take time and effort, but it is a valuable step towards personal growth, self-knowledge and improving the quality of life. Please allow yourself to cry as much as possible. as much as you want. So, you will thaw out a small part of your body, and after the cold “winter” “spring” will come. And with it comes life.