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The other day a journalist from a Crimean newspaper called me and asked me to tell readers what to do with themselves and how not to go crazy while observing the quarantine regime. What to do with yourself when you sit within four walls all day? To be honest, I was very surprised by this question. For me there is one - “Which activity from my big list should I choose now?”, and “What should I do?” – no, we haven’t heard. However, since there is a “readers’ questions” section, it means someone needs answers. Let me start from the beginning. And this is not a list of activities, because you need to start earlier. First of all, I want to say that sitting within four walls doesn’t make you go crazy. People go crazy about how they feel about being confined to four walls. Now, if you think that you are in captivity and that’s the end, then yes, I sincerely sympathize with you. And if you feel freedom inside, then no walls are a limitation for you. In the end, we are given a head not only to eat in it. For variety, you can think about different topics. For example, that the devastation (aka crisis) is not in the restrooms, but in the heads. Thanks to Professor Preobrazhensky... Or Bulgakov. Remember the crisis of 2008? By the time it started, I didn’t have a TV, I threw away the old one, and found no reason to buy a new one. And, you know, I missed the beginning of the crisis! Everyone has been in a crisis for four months, but everything is fine with me - my clients, my money is fine, and my soul is calm. And so, I’m walking down the street, smiling at the sun or at my thoughts. Suddenly I meet an acquaintance. Instead of “hello” I hear this monologue: “Why are you walking so happy? People are in crisis, look how tense and preoccupied everyone is with survival, and here you are walking around smiling!” I'm not lying, that's exactly what I said. At first I even felt a little awkward. And then I suddenly got scared. What's next? What if the money runs out? What will I do? Such thoughts tormented me as I walked home. And suddenly! Yes! And so it happened! Projects began to be canceled one after another, money was melting away before our eyes, spending looked threatening. I probably lived in such fear for a month. And then... Then I just got tired of being afraid. “Yes, well, let everyone have a crisis! I don’t have a crisis, I’m getting out of it!” That's what I told myself. You will not believe! Within a week, everything began to improve. I returned to my usual rhythm of life - the number of consultations became the same and even a little more, my income consistently covered my expenses. Call it a miracle or a coincidence. But self-discipline is always good for me. So, if you are scared, you can let yourself be a little afraid, and then figure out what to do with yourself when there seems to be nothing to do. Play by your rules, as far as possible, make a reserve for the future, get rid of from time wasters and waste. Once the crisis is over, continue in the same spirit. Once you manage to awaken a rational attitude towards your time and resources, then it is worth keeping this in your habits. Look, after the crisis you will also become a millionaire. And in the end, for the most patient, this is not a complete list of what came to my mind. However, before you embark on execution, remember that your main enemy is monotony. If you lie on the couch all day and read one book, you will get tired of it very quickly. The principle is to alternate types of activities. We lay down - we worked physically, we worked and fooled around. Diversity is our motto. Well, I guess I’ll start: V*Y*S*P*A*T*B*S*I*! And don’t watch TV series around the clock. The list of activities itself will end sooner or later, but the ability to generate ideas will always be with you. Therefore, in any incomprehensible situation, we write for ourselves a list of our favorite activities with 100+ items. Organize a spring cleaning, throw out all the things that are unnecessary and do not please you, you can arrange a competition to see who can do this better in your room. Re-read Terry Pratchett or another favorite writer. By the way, if you have a favorite book from your youth, read it now, you will see everything with new eyes. This is also an interesting experience.Review the whole.