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From the author: The state when you want to “embrace the whole world” opens the doors of Love to you. I continue the series of articles about the correlation of “matter” and “psyche”, the correspondence of bodily disorders to various psychological states, according to the traditions of yoga. Beginning of the cycle: “Consciousness of the Poor” “Consciousness of the Creator” “Consciousness of the Ruler” Summarizing the previous material, we can say that the first center ( earth, smell) correlates with sleep, the second (water, taste) correlates with thirst, the third (fire, vision) correlates with hunger. That is, the three lower centers “serve” the basic, survival needs of a person. The higher chakras are associated with the realization of our spiritual aspirations. They are possible if there is a sufficient amount of energy in the three lower chakras. And we move on to the central energy circle of our body, which, when the chakra system is superimposed on the Kabbalistic tree of life, will also be in its center. It’s amazing how many intersections there are in the yoga of the East and the yoga of the West (Kabbalah - yoga of the West). Similar constructs in the presence of different terms make us think more closely about the power and reality of the collective unconscious, identified by K.G. Jung. The middle of the tree of life corresponds to Christ, Apollo, and other “gods” - healers or gods sacrificed. This chakra, called Anahata, expresses unconditional Love. The synchronicity of the Hindu chakra system and Western doctrine reinforces the same symbolism of this center. It is depicted as the Six-Pointed Star of David. By the way, in the Judeo-Christian paradigm, it was precisely this that was the symbol of Christ, like the number 6, according to the number of ends of the hexagram. Jews still wear this Seal of David, or Solomon, instead of a cross... However, the Slavs could argue about the origin of this symbol, since the pagan Slavic god Veles also had this Seal. Anahata is translated as “Spontaneous Sound”, refers to the cardiac nerve plexus, located at the level of the heart. The thymus gland is responsible for its harmonious development. Its color is green. They say that Christ, for example, would have had it pink, since he lived out of the feeling of Love all his life. The hexagram is located inside a twelve-petalled lotus. There are some more thoughts about its origin. The star is formed by connecting the “male” and “female” triangles. Two triangles overlap each other as if a Man and a Woman are hugging. The two are in unity, and this is the path to the knowledge of Love and the divine state. They say that energy is distributed throughout the body differently in men and women. In a woman, it circulates from the nipples of the breast to the uterus, so the female Water triangle is the one that is located with its apex down. And for a man - from the center of the sternum, from Anahata to the testes, therefore the male triangle of Fire is located with its apex up. (In general, the pictures on the toilets are all mixed up...))) a male triangle looks like a girl in a dress). The element of this center is airy. The organ of perception is the skin, the organ of action is the hand. How can one not remember again about Christ, or about other healers who bestow health by laying on their hands? I think that during this practice, the hands of healers truly “grow from the heart,” therefore they bring Love, which is the most healing balm for wounds. Whether physical or mental. Anahata controls the circulatory system. The cosmic principle is movement. Well, how can we not amplify again about blood as a physical component of our Soul. “Blood is not water,” they say about relatives, forgiving them, as He commanded, many weaknesses and “sins.” “Bad blood” is the absence of love in a person, isn’t it? “Fight to the last drop of blood” - give all of yourself, your love and soul to the cause. Anahata is the center of compassion and care. An open heart center makes a person like their spiritual teachers who bring Love and Healing, no matter who they are. Willingness for self-sacrifice, unity with infinity, love for Nature, awareness of oneself as part of the Universe - this is how the harmonious vibrations of the chakra manifest themselves. The other side of the coin.