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From the author: This article will be useful both for those planning a pregnancy and expectant mothers, as well as for prenatal psychologists and other specialists involved in pregnancy management. Most expectant mothers periodically wonder how my baby feels? Modern scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists have proven more than once that a person’s experience, acquired long before birth, profoundly influences his personality. How a child feels in the womb largely shapes our states and desires in the future. A well-known fact is that every single sensation and impression acquired both before and after the moment of birth is transformed into the very matter that shapes our body and consciousness. Accordingly, useful and pleasant impressions received by the baby during the period of conception and intrauterine life are transformed into a healthy body and harmonious consciousness, while negative impressions are harmful for both. So, how does the baby feel in the womb? How does a baby read what is happening in the head and soul of his mother? Starting from the very moment of conception, the baby feels the thoughts, actions and feelings of the mother. How can this be explained from a physiological point of view? The mind and body are one inseparable whole. Consequently, molecules always follow where our thoughts go. Next, the impulses sent by the mind are transformed into a unique palette of neurochemical processes that are connected with all the cells and tissues of your body. And since the baby in the tummy is also, in its own way, part of its mother’s body, then the mother’s feelings, emotions and thoughts are also transmitted into the molecules from which its body is built and formed. Consequently, you and your baby continuously exchange molecules and along with their experiences. This dynamic process of exchange of information itself and its chemical carriers is a kind of coded connection between your heart and consciousness and the heart and consciousness of your future baby. Therefore, you must understand that a person’s life, rich in emotions, begins precisely at the moment of conception. Accordingly, the decisions you make during pregnancy, the feelings you experience, play a crucial role in creating the preconditions for his future life. We hope this article helped you understand that every impression, every choice and interpretation of what is happening is essential for the development of the unborn child, for his health and happiness. What actions can help you have a beneficial effect on the baby during his prenatal period? life? Keep a diary throughout your pregnancy! Write down everything that happens to you, all your thoughts, feelings, sensations, all events. This will help you track your reactions, emotions and thoughts that might go unnoticed in everyday life, as well as work through them and transform them into positive ones. Try to catch the child’s feelings by asking yourself the question: what is my baby feeling at this moment - and trying to answer it in writing. And the pregnancy diary itself can be an excellent gift for a child when he grows up! Draw! Drawing is one of the most powerful means for expressing feelings that, bypassing conscious control, can pour out onto paper directly from the place of their formation. Even if you haven’t drawn for 10-15 years, try it! Without specific goals, just try to let yourself go on a flight of fancy, and let your hands reflect this fantasy through different colors! Any other creativity is also welcome! Every person experiences difficulties and sorrows in life, but creativity is one of the acceptable and very effective means of expressing them! When you are doing what you love and bring pleasure, any tears, bitterness and resentment seem like nothing after a very short period of time! Give your baby a beneficial environment for the development of all his senses through sounds (pleasant music, sounds of nature, etc.), tactile!