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Therapeutic tale In one small town, there lived a girl named Toffee. No, of course, her real name was Irishka. But when Irishka’s front teeth fell out, she began to have a lisp, like all six-year-olds. To the question: girl, what is your name? She answered loudly and clearly: Butterscotch! And so it happened, Toffee and Toffee... Everyone loved Toffee! They loved her because she was a reliable, kind, sympathetic girl. It used to be that Iriska would go out into the yard for a walk, and the neighbor’s grandmother would sit on the bench. “Oh, my dear, my legs hurt so much, I should go to the store for bread, I don’t have the strength.” “Yeah, I’m running now, Grandma Valya, I’ll be there in a jiffy!” – Toffee flew headlong. On the way back, She noticed a group of boys from their yard who were crowded around a tree and excitedly arguing about something. Butterscotch couldn’t stand it and came up. “What do you have here?” “Yes, Denis climbed up a tree after his cat, but he doesn’t know how to get down.” Fears! Maybe you, Toffee, will climb the tree yourself and help him? If you fall, it will be two of you! Just think, you’ll be walking around without teeth again - The guys burst into friendly laughter, holding their stomachs. - Don’t you understand, he can break! We need to call for help! - Who will run? We can't leave him, you run! - Okay! Oh, I need to take bread to Grandma Valya. Well, I'll be there in a jiffy! – Toffee ran as fast as she could, constantly replaying in her head how Denis was falling from the tree with the cat. She became so scared that, not remembering herself, she ran past Baba Valya. “Baby!” Did you buy some bread? - Yes, yes! Here you go. Baba Valya, don’t you know Uncle Andrey at home? - At home, where should he be? Recently I looked out the window. They're all home! Why do you need him? Without saying a word, she ran to the fifth floor to Uncle Andrei. He is strong, big, tall, he will definitely help! While simultaneously kicking her feet and pressing the bell, Iriska imagined how Deniska fell and also crushed his cat. Tears were already forming in a lump in my throat, but at that moment, the door still opened. “Oh, Irisochka!” How on time you were, I really wanted to go into the yard to look for you! – Aunt Natasha, Uncle Andrei’s wife, was always very beautiful, like an actress, everyone in the yard admired her. And Toffee too. She even tried to imitate her and wore her hair in a straight row, like Aunt Natasha. “Come in, honey!” You know, I have an appointment with a manicurist, but Artemka has no one to leave with, I wanted to ask you to play with him. Moreover, he loves you so much. Will you sit, huh? - Eh, yes, I’ll sit, but there Deniska climbed the tree after the cat, and now they both might fall! They need help, I came for Uncle Andrei. But apparently he’s not at home, since Artemka has no one to leave with. “How is it that I’m not here?” Here I am! - a sort of giant uncle in a T-shirt and family shorts came out of another room - Hello, Toffee! What happened to you? After listening to the story about the “climber” Denis, big and powerful Uncle Andrei spread his hands to the side and said: “How can I get him?” We need a ladder! I have not it. Only Petrovich. But I can’t leave, Natasha will go to the master, Artemka can’t be left alone. Maybe you should run to Petrovich, Iriska? - Yeah, I’ll run, I’ll do it right now! Petrovich, this is the neighbor who has everything! Sometimes it seems that he has not an apartment, but a warehouse. There is no such thing in the world that Petrovich does not have. Everyone loved and respected him too! And in any situation they went to his apartment, as if into a magic chest. Petrovich was used to such popularity and was not at all surprised when people immediately came to him with a request. He opened the door and asked tiredly: “What do you need?” “A ladder!” Without asking any unnecessary questions, Petrovich put out the ladder and immediately closed the door. “How can I carry her?” - Iriska thought, but it was at that moment that her memory again slipped in a terrible picture with a tree. Not fully realizing who she felt more sorry for, the cat or Deniska, the kind, sympathetic and trouble-free girl dragged the heavy and uncomfortable ladder. Having somehow pulled her out of the entrance, Iriska saw her friend Svetka from the third entrance and three other girls who were cheerfully talking about something and laughing loudly. Seeing Toffee with a huge ladder, they ran up to her. Picked upthe ladder and immediately it became almost weightless. - Butterscotch, do you happen to have any good markers? Katya has a birthday tomorrow, and we want to prepare a surprise for her! Let's draw our house and all our children, write good wishes, it will be a great keepsake! Tomorrow the whole group will go to the park and have a party there. Can you imagine? And Katya’s mother invited a clown from the circus and baked a four-story cake! You too come at three o’clock! Butterscotch had markers. Brand new, in a beautiful and bright bag! With stickers! They were so beautiful that it was scary to pick them up. Butterscotch took care of them and never drew them. But then there’s a birthday, a clown, a party, cake, fun... And she immediately said: “Yes, I have markers, new ones!” I'll bring it now, I'll bring it right away! Oh, I just need to carry the stairs and sit with Artemka. Sveta, you go to my house and ask your mom to bring you some markers, tell me that I allowed it. - How great! - The girls abandoned the ladder and rushed headlong to Iriska’s house. Almost without strength, Iriska dragged the stairs to her entrance. Baba Valya was here again, apparently having already had lunch. - Lord! Where are you taking her, baby? Realizing that Grandma Valya was not aware of the events, because Iriska did not have time to tell her, the girl sat down on the bench to catch her breath a little and began a story about how she needed to save Deniska and the cat. And only Uncle Andrei could do this, but he doesn’t have a ladder, but Petrovich gave the ladder and closed the door. And the girls helped Iriska, but then they ran for markers, and tomorrow is Katya’s birthday, and there’s a cake, a clown and a party in the park…. All this was said in almost one sentence, and Baba Valya had to interrupt Iriska to say: “So why save this tomboy?” Here he is running! Alive and healthy, what will happen to him? Indeed, Iriska saw that Deniska and her company were running in the yard, and the cat was sitting on a wooden bench near the playground, carefully watching every movement of his owner, who saved his life! Phew, good.... “Artemka!” - Iriska remembered! And immediately rushed to the fifth floor. Uncle Andrei, delighted that there was no need to go anywhere or save anyone, promised Iriska to take the ladder back to Petrovich, in exchange for Iriska playing with Artemka for a couple of hours. When Aunt Natasha arrived with a beautiful manicure, Iriska felt overwhelming fatigue - “Tomorrow I’ll go for a walk!” - the girl thought and went home. And the evening had already come... The next day was Katya’s birthday. Toffee woke up in a great mood and anticipation that an interesting, fun day with a clown and cake awaited her. Somehow waiting for three o'clock, Iriska put on the most beautiful dress, her mother braided her dragon braids, prepared a gift - a completely new book, which Iriska herself had not yet read, but for her friend Katya it was not a pity at all! It was suspicious on the street quiet. Usually Deniska and his gang and Svetka and her friends were running around on the playground. It was here that Toffee met them yesterday. “It’s probably too early!” - the girl thought and sat down on the wooden bench where the injured cat had been sitting yesterday. Something sparkled in the sand and attracted attention, Toffee came up and swept the sand. Markers! Those new ones were in a bag with stickers, but they looked terrible! Almost all of them were without multi-colored caps, covered in sand and in a torn purse. "Something happened!" - Iriska thought and ran to Baba Valya, who, as always, was sitting on a bench. - Baba Valya, you don’t know what happened here? Where are all the guys? For some reason my markers are lying around in the sandbox, the girls couldn’t just throw them away, they’re new! - So this is…. - Grandma Valya hesitated, realizing that she would have to tell the girl the unpleasant news - everyone had left... for Katya's birthday. At 12 o'clock they left with balloons and a clown. They'll be back soon." What about at 12? And what about me? Why didn’t anyone call or warn you before?” - so many questions simply did not fit in the girl’s head. The sunny day instantly turned cloudy, the birds stopped singing, Toffee didn’t even hear the woman….