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From the author: Every person has the opportunity to consciously travel in altered states of consciousness. Transpersonal psychology and modern holistic psychotechniques or intensive integrative psychotechnologies (IIPT is a term introduced by Academician of the Moscow Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Kozlov) allow you to understand your inner world, find the meaning of life, and rethink the old system of values. These are empirical techniques of self-exploration and self-transformation, using work in an altered (expanded) state of consciousness. They are a system of methods of holistic transformation, which is a synthesis of ancient spiritual practices, including shamanism, and existential-transpersonal psychology. When reviewing the direction of IIPT, the works of S. Grof, V.V. Kozlova, I.S. Zingerman, as well as publications by other authors. People have long been interested in what is more than a person’s personality. The craving for the transpersonal and transcendental prompted a person to turn to shamanism, religion, spiritual practices, and ultimately to alcohol and drugs. An undying curiosity for what is unknowable lives in every person to this day... Every person has the opportunity to consciously travel in altered states of consciousness. Transpersonal psychology and modern holistic psychotechniques or intensive integrative psychotechnologies (IIPT is a term introduced by Academician of the Moscow Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Kozlov) allow you to understand your inner world, find the meaning of life, and rethink the old system of values. These are empirical techniques of self-exploration and self-transformation, using work in an altered (expanded) state of consciousness. They are a system of holistic transformation methods, which is a synthesis of ancient spiritual practices, including shamanism, and existential-transpersonal psychology. Holistic methods of self-research can be considered an intermediate zone between psychotherapy and an integrative compilation of psychopractices of world religious and philosophical teachings. At the present stage of development of psychotherapy, the name “intensive integrative psychotechnologies” is applied to a wide range of psychotechnologies based on the use of altered states of consciousness (ASC) of the client, including – trance, expanded, psychedelic states of consciousness, as well as states of heightened awareness achieved by using connected breathing techniques. It should be noted that breathing psychotechnologies (holotropic breathing, vibration, rebirthing, Free Breathing) are the most natural and environmentally friendly methods of achieving altered states of consciousness. Integrative intensive psychotechnologies are an open space of concepts, speculative models, processes and skills, staying in which allows a person to gain and maintain the integrity of your life. The range of possibilities of IIPT is very wide and varied. In our opinion, IIPT currently represents the most holistic and effective direction in modern psychology. The use of expanded states of consciousness in psychological work makes it possible to achieve integration and a state of integrity in a fairly short period, while methods traditionally used in psychology, for example, psychoanalysis (with all due respect and recognition), would require several years. At the moment, the scope of application of IIPT extends not only to working with an individual person. The focus of our attention is still focused on the development of individual consciousness, but we are no longer talking only about people with deep-seated conflicts, with a desire to solve them and develop, but also about clients with more severe problems, such as drug addiction. The proposed intensive integrative psychotechnologies are presented a synthesis of ideas from the psychoanalytic direction, Gestalt therapy, existential and transpersonal psychology. Using continuous connected breathing to achieve trancehas analogues in yogi pranayama, qigong and other ancient psychotechnologies. The philosophical layer of these techniques is represented by a rich palette of ideas from Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism, Christian mythology, ancient Egyptian and Tibetan traditions. Humanity has used the healing potential of unusual states of consciousness since ancient times. Shamanism dates back, according to archaeological studies of rock paintings and ancient burial sites, about 40,000 years. The meditation systems of Hatha Yoga, Laya Yoga, and Raja Yoga were formed no later than 10 thousand years BC. Anthropologists' studies of more than half the world's cultures that have existed during the last five centuries have shown that 90 percent of them had some institutionalized form of altered states of consciousness. Unusual states of consciousness to this day are central to the esoteric movements of canonical religions, hesychasm and many sectarian movements in Christianity, Sufism in Islam, various yogic practices in Hinduism, Zen schools in Buddhism and Kabbalah in Judaism. The most ancient ritual practices of shamanism are associated with using powerful breathing sessions using sound forms against the background of drumming. Trance dance, which since ancient times has been a necessary means of expressing feelings and thoughts that could not easily be translated into words, is also an intense method of entering altered states of consciousness, physiologically determined by coherent natural, “animal” breathing. Special methods based on acceleration, deceleration and stopping breathing were used in shamanism, various areas of yoga (kundalini practice, siddha yoga), Sufism, Taoism, Dzogchen, Zen Buddhism, Vajrayana, Hinayana and Mahayana schools, and in many other spiritual practices. Techniques for using connected breathing were rediscovered and included into the arsenal of modern practical psychology only in the 70s, and their spread throughout the USSR began only in the late 80s. Nowadays, it is no longer possible to deny that methods using altered states of consciousness have taken a strong place in the practice of psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance in most countries of the world, due to the fact that the world as a whole in the last 100-150 years has moved away in its development from traditional spiritual practices. Psychological science was the first among all existing scientific disciplines in its appeal to the primordial experience, the primordial wisdom of humanity, concentrated in spiritual traditions, to that experience that has been relevant for the survival of people throughout thousands of years of history. Connected natural conscious breathing is used in a number of psychotechnologies that Ph.D. Kozlov V.V. designates intensive integrative psychotechnologies. These include various methods of self-exploration and transformation in an altered, expanded state of consciousness. These are holotropic breathing by S. Grof, rebirthing developed by L. Orr and S. Ray, vibration - integrative rebirthing by D. Lenord and F. Lauth, “Free breathing”, as a modification of rebirthing, developed by S. Vsekhsvyatsky and V. Kozlov. A special place is occupied by dynamic and static meditations, trance dances, shamanic rituals and other techniques, which, in combination with modern methods of self-research and therapy, make it possible to consciously or spontaneously transform neurotic or problematic material in the process of self-integration. The process of coherent conscious breathing is a way to achieve RSS (expanded state of consciousness ). “At the same time, the emerging RSS is a natural physiological and psychological phenomenon” (Kozlov V.V. Origins of awareness: theory and practice of integrative psychotechnologies / V.V. Kozlov; International Academic Psychological Sciences - Mn., 1995). An expanded state of consciousness that arises in the process of coherent breathing and is qualitatively different from the states that arise during deep hypnosis, trance, meditation and other methods of achieving altered states of consciousness. RSS is qualitatively special psychological and psychophysiologicala state different from sleep, wakefulness, pathological disturbances of consciousness, disturbances of consciousness when taking alcohol, drugs and psychedelic drugs. RSS has a specific phenomenology (Kozlov, 1992, 1994), is distinguished by autization of the sensory sphere, distortion of time perception, hypermnesia and some other qualitative changes in mental processes. The process of coherent breathing as a way and means of achieving RSS has such qualities as awareness, controllability, controllability, the presence of will, intention and the ability to return to a normal state of consciousness at any time. By examining the breathing process, you can find that most people do not breathe most of the time. They take a short breath in, hold their breath before exhaling long, and then take another long pause before the next breath. The amount of time spent on inhalation and exhalation is less than on pauses. An effective method that maintains the balance of metabolism in the body is connected natural breathing, when there is no gap between inhalation and exhalation: inhalation gently flows into exhalation, exhalation into inhalation, forming a single cycle, a perfect circle mandala. In this case, the inhalation is done with muscle effort, flexible and elastic, the exhalation is completely relaxed, you just let go of the exhalation, you don’t control it and it happens by itself. It should be noted that in the holotropic breathing format, forced exhalation is allowed. If a person maintains coherent breathing for about an hour, he enters a state of expanded consciousness, thereby gaining access to old images and emotional states that have been suppressed in the subconscious. By continuing the state of connected breathing, you can achieve a state in which suppression is removed, and these images cease to carry a negative charge. With the help of conscious work with the breath and body, a person can relieve the consequences of psychological trauma, get rid of the consequences of stress and learn to enter healing unusual states that can compete with narcotic drugs. IIPT allows you to induce deep transpersonal experiences of a mystical and transcendental nature, promoting cathartic processes, positive personal changes, personal growth and self-knowledge. Breathing psychotechniques promote important insights (non-logical insights) regarding the problems of finding the meaning of life. They help in a radical transformation of views on one’s own “I” and the world around him, life and death, increasing creative activity, expanding the spiritual horizon, harmonizing a person’s relationship with the world around him and other people. The breathing technique of working in an altered state of consciousness guides a person through living levels death and rebirth, biographical experience, perinatal and transpersonal experience. As a result of going through the breathing process, a person extracts from the depths of consciousness or subconscious material that is priority and problematic at the time of the process and transforms it through spontaneous and spontaneous or conscious integration of the manifested material with consciousness. The breathing process leads to the disclosure of volitional and creative potential, helps to increase stress adaptability and stimulate social success and is of interest not only for therapy, the process can shed new light on the philosophical problems of human existence, the purpose and meaning of life, the psyche, the picture of the world as a whole. The task of IIPT is to help each individual person in exploring his inner world. The work is carried out with those who want to reconsider their attitude to life, to themselves, to their personal foundations and value system. In short, based on the latest achievements in the field of psychology, the personal development of clients is ensured. IIPT instructors are a kind of guides into the depths of human nature, together with a person discovering his unknown inner world, helping to fulfill the desire for a holistic transformation. Discovering hidden depths.