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Good afternoon! You have never been to a constellation before. Maybe you've only heard about this method of psychotherapy and don't know how it happens? Or maybe you have a request that you want to solve and you have tried many other methods? In this article I will tell you what awaits you in the arrangement for your request. First step. Search and selection of an arranger. The arrangement begins precisely with this. Trust plays a big role. Even if you know little about the arranger and the method, there must be trust that trust is possible in principle and faith that a solution can be found. Second step. You signed up and came to the arrangement according to your request. You sit down next to the arranger and voice your request. You may have a very specific request, or maybe you are concerned about some condition that is difficult to put into words. In general, a request is something that you would like to change in your life for the better. If necessary, the arranger will help you formulate your request. Third step. Selection of figures. When the request is formulated, it is determined which figures will be substituted. For example, if the request is to achieve a goal, then initially two deputies can be placed: your deputy and the goal’s deputy. If the request is for a symptom, then, for example, your deputy and the symptom's deputy. If you do a family constellation on family relationships, then substitute family members are placed. In the classic format of constellations, deputies are people who also came to do their own constellation, or came to the group to get acquainted with the constellation method, or who regularly come to the constellation group to be deputies. You can also come to the group as a substitute or observer. This is a very valuable experience. Substitutes can also be figures, pieces of paper, or the arranger himself. Fourth step. Diagnostics. Search for a system cause, search for violations in the system that affect the request. This happens through vicarious perception. In other words, the deputies begin to experience any sensations or movements that they did not have before they took on the role. Anyone can feel these movements, the main thing is to be in a stable physical and mental state, be calm and simply allow the body to move as it wants. The movements and sensations of the deputies, the sensations of the arranger and your sensations during the arrangement are important diagnostic criteria. For example, in the arrangement they placed the figure of the target and the figure of the target, the client’s deputy begins to turn away from the target and looks in a completely different direction. In this case, in the direction where the deputy is looking, you can place one or more figures and look there. For example, by adding a figure, you can see that this is a mother. You can determine that this is a mother using a simple test: you can ask the figure or simply say out loud: “Are you a mother?” As a rule, if any reaction and agreement follows after this, then it is most likely the mother’s figure. Next comes the next step. The fifth step. Finding a solution. There are several important points here. In general, solutions in constellation consist in restoring orders, or, in other words, system laws: belonging, hierarchy, balancing. This is achieved using a whole set of different tools. There are tools, I will call them conditionally, “internal” and “external”. The main internal tools are respect and acceptance, i.e. the ability to withstand and experience feelings. Sometimes they are strong. But just touching them a little is enough. It's enough. The arranger will help you do this as carefully as possible. The main “external” tools are permission phrases. Phrases accompany internal processes associated with feelings. For example, the phrase “I see you...” It allows you to establish contact with a figure, to make an excluded figure included. These are phrases that help restore order. Sixth step. Completion=165481