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Midlife crisis in men! Throughout life, a person overcomes many psychological crises. In childhood, adults help cope with them. But when a turning point comes in the life of an accomplished person, it can be difficult to overcome it without losses. Everyone goes through such a serious test, but signs of an age crisis appear more clearly in about half of men and a third of women. Representatives of the stronger sex experience this difficult stage especially acutely. Causes of the midlife crisis in men The time frame of the crisis in men is not clearly defined. According to psychologists, the turning point may occur approximately between 30 and 45 years. Sometimes it consists of a series of several crises. Much depends on the personality characteristics and lifestyle of a person. In any case, a midlife crisis is a serious test for every man. The transition from youth to maturity occurs against the background of physiological and psychological changes. It is these processes that are the main reason for the onset of the age crisis. Men, as a rule, do not want to accept the signs of aging. The appearance of excess weight, thinning hair, decreased physical capabilities and visual attractiveness, weakened potency are perceived as a disaster. The children have moved away, the wife has long had her own range of interests. Previous goals have been achieved and have lost value. The realization comes that there are a lot of young guys around who are more energetic and attractive, and who show themselves brighter at work. The man is not ready for this. After all, this contradicts his natural desire to be the first in everything. Internal discomfort manifests itself in behavioral patterns that signal a person’s psychological distress. Signs of a midlife crisis in men A turning point in the life of an adult man has some similarities with an adolescent crisis. The same readiness for conflict, desire for independence, negativism. With all the individual diversity of manifestations, we can list the main symptoms of a crisis in middle age in a man: · a feeling that life has passed by; · loss of interest in the previous life; · frequent mood swings; · manifestation of dissatisfaction with oneself and others, sometimes signs of depression; · accusation others in their own failures; desire to reconsider their values ​​and achievements; readiness to start a career anew; search for a new sphere of manifestation of their abilities; new image; desire to look younger; attempts to play sports; denial of the importance of their family and established way of life ;· loss of interest in family problems; · attempts to create a new family; · desire to change everything in your life. Dangerous consequences The transition period in mid-life can lead to sad results. It seems to a man that his best years have been lost and he needs to make up for lost time. He is trying to radically change his appearance, lifestyle, work, family. It is during the midlife crisis (from 37 to 43 years old) that most divorces occur. Negative consequences can affect not only the man himself, but the people around him.• loss of stability in life and relationships with others;• loss of a sense of self-sufficiency;• disturbance of emotional balance;• neuroses;• suicidal attempts;• destruction of a successful career;• breakdown of relationships with friends;• disruption of mutual understanding with relatives, including parents;• destruction of an established way of life;• alienation in the family;• conflicts and quarrels with wife and children;• adultery; • divorce and attempts to create a new family (90% unsuccessful). The possible consequences of a crisis period in men can destroy everything that has been created over the years. Knowledge of the signs and results of a turning point will help prevent or mitigate them. How to overcome? Psychological self-help Don't hide from the problem. It is important to understand that everyone goes through critical stages between the ages of 30 and 45, but in different ways. The majority cope without losses and acquire a qualitatively different perception of life. According to psychologists, the role of loved ones is to